• first crush was this kid i started hanging out with in 2nd grade. the teacher loved me cause i was super teacher's pet but didn't like this kid, they weren't the best student, but they were nice enough to me and i would've been friends with anyone so we ended up pretty close? were over each others houses constantly, played hide and seek a lot. ended up testing out the whole kissing thing, which i thought was p gross but it was our secret so i went along with it. but when my pokemon cards got suspiciously stolen we stopped hanging out, and then they dropped out of hs to join a band? idk where they are now but i wonder sometimes
  • ok so there was this kid i sat next to in 6th grade who could draw p well and was also super funny. the teacher sat us next to each other for two consecutive semeste-- uhh, quarters and i thought it was destiny. but i found out a brand new friend i'd made started dating him and dropped any hope i had of us being a Thing.
  • a friend of mine in college was super fucking talented -- amazing artist and musician, so kind and friendly and warm. Quiet, but would always respond and make time for you. just an amazing person. we're still in touch and it makes me rly happy
jan 18 2016 ∞
jan 27 2016 +