okay yeah no this is boring

  • 0131: well i sure am glad i decided to keep a mostly-daily log so i can always remember [checks list] a lot of sadness and dread
  • 0129: just too sad for anything tbh
  • 0127: rip little cat :(
  • 0125: casey had a seizure or possibly a stroke :( so worried about her
  • 0124: feeling brilliant for managing to get through my first lab of the year easily, even though it was because i did the same one last year before dropping the course
  • 0123: once again smashing deadlines in the one elective course i have that does not matter, while simultaneously ignoring every deadline for the courses i actually need to graduate
  • 0122: see prev
  • 0121: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0120: making good room progress and poor uni progress (honestly, do i even want to keep throwing money at an institution that apparently considers all of us disposable); enjoying the hell out of critical role
  • 0119: grocery run with mom, nan, and aunt -- nice day even though it feels sad to go back to this being the extent of my social life. uni made announcement about going back to in-person, which means i'm just gonna skip all my classes and see what happens, at some point you just gotta look at yourself saying "in-person learning is important" and realize you're asking people to risk their lives to take statistics for arts majors
  • 0118: me, completing one single deadline a day early while my others for this week have already passed: wow i'm such a go-getter
  • 0117: weird to think snowmaggedon was two years ago today when i was out on a really nice winter walk, no snow on the sidewalks
  • 0116: had brain stew by green day stuck in my head out of nowhere, literally haven't heard it in years, couldn't remember the name of it. about two minutes later, saw someone with "sotd: brain stew" in their profile. incredibly dull coincidence but literally the most interesting thing that happened to me today, so.
  • 0115: monumental day: i read witcher fanfiction for fifteen hours
  • 0114: grocery run; only my second time out of the house in 2022 lmfao
  • 0113: failed to accomplish anything from my to do list aside from showering and baking cookies but tbh that's still a win
  • 0112: justifying staying up til 6am binge-watching the witcher by swapping my 9am class for an asynchronous one (that i thought i'd dislike but it's really fun!), still feeling the booster so just kinda chilling and having a lazy day
  • 0111: asleep by midnight, awake by 4 ;__; first day of classes, first time remote since last april, excited to have my thirty second commute back. amazing first class, i love this prof
  • 0110: booster shot! first time out of the house this year aside from bringing the garbage out, lmfao
  • 0109: aaand more of the same
  • 0108: more of the same.
  • 0107: the tree is downstairs! headache finally faded after nearly 3 days but i have pain from clenching my jaw that whole time lmao. giving the witcher another try, liking it better this time
  • 0106: pressure headache, slept all day and then went back for a nap two hours after getting up, generally just lazing around being miserable until critical role. managed to get the christmas tree down but hurt too bad to move it downstairs so there's just a sad plastic tree tipped over on the floor and i keep tripping over it
  • 0105: read shadow life, played slay the spire, got way too deep dans la sauce reading about the quebecois influencers scandal, continued to deal with pandemic frustrations/anger/despair by decluttering, finally managed to get booster bookings for me and my mom
  • 0104: pretty much the same as yesterday :/ furniture is finally all where i want it, time to deep clean, declutter, and decorate
  • 0103: omicron despair (govt literally said "well we're all going to get it so why bother shutting restaurants" after two fucking years of having some of the lowest case numbers in the world through being cautious), rearranging more furniture about it
  • 0102: rearranging furniture and more tidying, watched guys and dolls (not into the romance but you know i will always love a movie that wants you to root for criminals. also the catgirl burlesque scene was real weird?? why was the hays code ok with catgirl burlesque????)
  • 0101: lackluster ringing in the new year (really good cheese, though). playing lots of slay the spire, tidying, avoiding looking at covid stats.
jan 1 2022 ∞
feb 7 2022 +