• [fullmetal alchemist greed voice] every pronoun in the world belongs to me
  • gender speedrun any %
  • gender? i hardly know 'er
  • genderfluid but the genders in question are "cool mean lesbian from a 2010 reality show" and "the drummer from your older brother's metal band who's between jobs and has been crashing on your sofa 'just for a few nights' for the last six months"
  • i don't have a netflix subscription right now because i got annoyed with it, but i'll probably subscribe again at some point. anyway it's kinda like that right now, genderwise
  • people think genderfluidity is about being some kind of fey androgyne but i am here to tell you that unfortunately it sometimes involves channelling the undeserved, unquestioned self-confidence of an incredibly mediocre man
  • veruca salt but in a gender factory. augustus gloop but the chocolate is gender and i'm thirsty
mar 23 2023 ∞
jul 9 2023 +