This Week's Highlights

  • I manifested a job.

Wow, I am quite in disbelief and also...feeling a bit smug. Today, I received news that I am considered to be part of the transcription editing team that I applied to mid-January.

I want to say...stop doubting if you made the 'right' choice or if you asked for the 'right' thing. Trust that this is for your higher good. Trust that you asked for this and it was given. It is a gift.

"Finding new and different ways to do things and a new-found sense of personal freedom. You are encouraged to focus upon the results you desire as they will come to fruition in due course. Trust that these changes will be to your long-term advantage. Stay positive and optimistic about these impending changes, and you will find that all will go smoothly. The timing is right to begin a new venture or project, and/or take a new direction in your life. A happy outcome and result follows your positive expectations. The image you hold in your mind’s eye is like a blueprint, and your attention is the magnet that attracts the creative energies to fulfill it."

Think of all the abundance it will lead you to: material security, experiences, etc. Envision it. It is already done.

A stepping stone into the life path (we) dream of creating, of cultivating. Aaaahh. Salamat!

It will also bring new knowledge and develop new skills!

It's remote work. I can work anywhere. I can work anywhere!

I only have to work half a day and on weekdays only. That means I still have the rest of the day to pursue my other passions, to work on my dreams and desires. To cultivate other skills I want to bring forth into the limelight as I progress more on the path.

Prayer: May I do it well.

  • Angelic Healing with Cath

Words are limited to describe what I experienced during these two nights we had Angelic Healing.

I remember how it felt and I have a vision of it in my mind.

Golden sparks, rays, dissolving upwards from my back, towards the sky. Later on, more multi-colored.

A vibration starting. Vibration all over. Goosebumps.

Gifts placed on both my hands, one on either. A golden light, shining upon me brightly from the heavens.

A meditation / looking through the third eye reminded me of stillness and where I can find it if I seek it or need it. It is always with(in) me.

  • Paid Trial Experience

Other thoughts, happenings, and experiences

  • food park concert with Ara

Intentions & Visions, Themes of this Week

  • More and more, I am seeing that I am walking along the path I want to be in. I am embracing my power more. I am embracing where I'm being led/guided to more. I am trusting more...not just in my own power but also that of the divine. Co-creation.
    • Further and further, I am believing, I am perfect as I am. I don't need to by anything else or anyone else. I am enough. I am overflowing. I am abundant. I am a money-maker, I heard. I bring love to the table. I spread joy. I help heal others by being who I am.
    • I help heal others by being who I am.
  • Rest for the rest of the weekend, as February closes. Sit with the energies received during your Angelic Healing. Sit with the energies of the times. Sit with your energy. Find harmony. Invite harmony.
  • I intend to remain anchored to my highest self. As an angel number 1555 says: "The image you hold in your mind’s eye is like a blueprint, and your attention is the magnet that attracts the creative energies to fulfill it."
  • lots of synchronicities reminding me, "I am protected. I am guided. I am loved." ...and, "I am on the right path." Angel Numbers. Progression.
feb 17 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +