Two weeks have gone, huh? How timely to be doing a recap as Spring Equinox dawns, as new calendar year begins (or so astrologers say).


  • Worth.
    • Man, oh man, was this the theme of...the month?? Hahaha. Mostly, I'm talking about realizing, I have been selling myself short.
    • Like most of my life, I was afraid to ask for more because I believed I wasn't worth it. Because I believed my talent, skills, and ideas, didn't amount to anything. So yes, pay me less.
    • But recent events pushed me out of that mindset.


Financial Income Fell Short of Expectations

  • with Brave Story
    • This happened last March 3, when Cris disclosed to the new rate to me without informing me, and also with a different agreement prior.
    • I thought I was 'over it' but, apparently not. I had lingering feelings. My anger and bitterness bloomed after I initially fell into a pit of worry overr not meeting my basic needs - rent, electricity, internet, food, etc.
    • What really hurt me was because my rate was not defended to the investors. It made me feel like I wasn't valued or given importance and I think it reiterated a self-limiting belief that 'what I can do are not worth it.' I'm also disappointed because I will not be meeting the income projection I wanted to have at the start of the year.
    • Additionally, this news came in at the same time I found out that I will also be earning less from a job I got accepted to (more on that in another bullet point).
    • I felt angry because it put me in a position I didn't think I would be in at this time and it wasn't my fault. By that I mean, it happened under circumstances I had no control over but I was affected by. Cris informed her investors a different rate from what we talked about and I wasn't consulted beforehand. Now, I'm put in a position where I have to defend the rate I previously agreed to in joining.
    • A breakthrough though is...I came up with action points this morning regarding how I want to move forward and that empowered me. It helped me arrive at a place where I feel that I can do something about this situation and I am not a victim.
  • Transcription Editing job
    • This one also disappointed me because I felt mislead. All conversations, and even their publicity material made me think I can earn 15k to 17k for a part-time position but I ended up receiving less than that. Apparently, you'll have an assigned daily rate but it will depend on the length of the audio you can edit per day. Grr.
    • I'm two-weeks into it pa lang and I'm currently struggling with meeting my deadline of 1pm daily. I fall short on speed at the moment and I'm not sure if it's something I can really improve on in the farther future. My goal is to finish within 4 hours at most per day.
    • I seem to like the culture so far among the team members though :) That encourages me to stay but currently, I still prioritize practicality above all.
  • Claiming Boundaries.
    • On the other hand, this is something I celebrate about the past two weeks :) Cheers, Aien!
    • These two big recent events really pushed me to ask for more. To stand up for myself.
    • To take no shit.
    • Charot. But really, it's to assert what I want. What I desire. What I dream of. To


  • "I have the power to create my own reality, any time."
mar 19 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +