Hello, I just wanted to write about my past week. Maybe share some thoughts, purge some emotions or stuck energies,

Hmm, haa

It has been a lovely ride and as I type that I even sense a little bit of hesitation or resistance in admitting so. A curious thing. It's not because it's untrue. It is how I feel. I do feel it has been a soul-expanding lovely ride. and perhaps it is my ego that wants to contradict that, my thinking mind that wants to say - hold up, wait. there's lots of stress that went on and that you felt and that you thought, etc., etc.

That is true but at the end of the day, or at the start of each day, what I do feel is joy. Overflowing joy. (_Hmm, I was going to use overwhelming but I think overflowing is a good reframe for it. Hihi_)

Overflowing joy. Yes, that is how I feel.

And I thank thee for it. Let's just give it a try, shall we? Thanking our self first. (That's new.)

Yes, thank you, Aien. Thank you for choosing to transform. To evolve. Thank you for desiring to be kind. to be good. to choose love. Thank you. Thank you. I feel that desire in itself is a good seed that you choose to keep watering despite hurdles, obstacles, and blockages. You have made all the efforts, to choose what will grow this seed. This seed of love. The seed of love. Aaah, I adore you. I thank you. I admire you. I love you.

Thank you for choosing love, over and over and over. Time and time again. Love may look differently sometimes. And sometimes, it may be an illusion. But even that in itself leads you to love, doesn't it? Because your heart is pure. (_Because your heart is __pure__)_

The illusions crumble.


A few good things that happened recently:

Funny how there were two things that I cancelled out on last week:

  • meeting Kat (& Madey) - an overnight supposedly from June 1-3
  • going to Cris' event - a June 4 event

Yet, these two things still found their way back to me anyway. I'd like to think it was a gift from the Universe instead of a test. As if saying, "These two things are good for you. Receive it."

  • Last Friday, I got to have a video call with Madey and Kat (because our schedules to meet in person soon wouldn't match up
jun 8 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +