Dear Mother,

Suddenly I am surprised that it's the 21st of July already, year 2023.

Today, I'm feeling good. Neutral. and it's pleasant to feel that way at times - to not need to feel elated or in Spiritual bliss (high up in the sky) nor down in the depths of my shadows, or spiraling in a sea of worries, etc... it feels good to just be.

We recently had a New Moon, mother. And perhaps the only invitation is for me to explore how it would feel like to devote my love to myself, to my inner child most especially. ❤️

I feel like it's only been recently that I was somewhat able to get a feel of the pureness of my heart. To just dance with it whatever state it might be in - whether all walled up or all raw and open

It feels good to be in this space.

jul 21 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +