Taking note of today's thoughts, feelings, or sensations...

  • I liked my outfit today. I think it's been a while since I "dressed up" and I felt attractive in what I wore.
  • I want to stop overexplaining myself in an effort to make sure I am understood or not misunderstood. I want to be more precise, direct, and clear with what I say or share with others and I want to have more confidence in my words. I want to leave room for others to receive and process what I shared in their own ways. Because at the end of the day, we perceive everything we experience everything according to our beliefs and how we see or understand our (own) reality.
  • I am thankful that I don't always have to step in to solve things. I am thankful that there are many others who can fill in the gaps. I am thankful that I don't have to work alone. I am thankful that we all have our own talents and skills, strengths and gifts. It's no longer deniable that we are made to help each other and to work together. To co-create, per se.
  • I want to be able to sit solidly, so highly securely, with the truth that, I am loved. I am so, so loved. I hope for my belief to be unwavering, that even when it's as thin as a cord or a sliver of hope, its strength is as hard as diamond.

I guess I just also want to recognize that...

  • I have had so many answered prayers recently. And I feel like I haven't properly thanked my angels for it. But I want them to know that I notice it and that I aware of it and that I am in awe of it and that I am humbled by it. And I am thankful, thankful, thankful.

Thank you for stepping in where I can't. Thank you for listening intently to me. For responding to my whispered prayers, for sending my way what I need more than what I want. For sending me gifts, especially those I do not expect. Thank you for reminding me you love me, and that I am loved. Thank you for always being with me.


Additional observations:

  • I think today, Ipe was drawn na lapitan ako. And I noticed that and I felt quite flattered, hihi. There was this subtle feeling of huh, I sense something from him but I'm not sure what it is. And instead of just ignoring (or gaslighting myself) that I sensed something, I just want to acknowledge that I sensed something - an energy, maybe - and it's okay not to and I don't have to specify exactly what it is. (For further observation.)
  • Today, Ara said, "thank you for allowing me to comfort you." and that I am loved because of who I am - of how my personality is, how I choose to act, how I choose to be. And I want to allow myself the chance to 'sit in the spotlight', to be the recipient of that love. To practice allowing myself to feel secure in who I am, in how I choose to live my life.

And so it is. And so it is.

Ang daming lessons na dala ng Full Moon o ng panahong ito. At hindi ko man sila maspecify lahat. Nagtitiwala ako na alam na siya ng katawan ko. That there are seeds being planted within me that will be for harvest in their own time.

It's a very subtle sensation and there is a part of me that wants to dig and find all the answers but...there are many things that need their time unfold, to grow, to develop, to be.

Trust is a big part of the process. Trust is what is being asked for.

And though it's subtle, I feel like I've solidified 10% of me to lean on to that unknowing. To have faith. To trust in what's beyond me.

And I want to hold on to that 10% like a lifeline and like an anchor, allowing me to brave through life's storms and all its weathers.

Haa. Haaayy.

I end with this before I try to breakdown everything I've learned and feel and uncover the seeds I've planted.

They will be for harvest soon.

For now, we wait. And we show up however life asks us to show up for the day.

Thank you, Aien. I love you.

You are beloved.

jul 16 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +