Spirit chose white today. I receive.

Spirit says my plate is too full. I acknowledge, and slowly make the effort to change this.

I am taking on too many responsibilities than my energetic capacity can sustain or manage - or too many than that which is healthy for my body.


  • I am working a full-time job. Which as the description says, is full-time.
    • This is taking a lot of my physical and mental resources which affects my emotional and spiritual capacity as well. I have less energy to continue with my soul-care practices as consistently as before but I do celebrate that I still get windows to do them :).
  • I still continued to participate and take roles in SAKA - which I have been telling myself I'd stop doing so since months ago. We (Spirit and I) have finally spoke up to our best friend about this. One big factor that has been holding me back from taking action on my decision.
    • I joined the alliance committee which has a small number of people and there are many tasks to attend to. Personally, I do want to focus on the IGP aspect of it.
  • I volunteered to assist in a working committee for an event on September 20 which I really want to do. However, I feel like I didn't assess how much energetic resources I actually had prior to saying yes.
  • I'm still working with Cris for Brave Story as a social media manager. I feel that this is a role I have been neglecting but I don't want to because it provides me not just with a source of income but also an avenue to grow my creativity.

This said and recognized, a month from now I envision more room on my plate. That is, I take a pause from adding more and focus on what I can unload. (_Divine Masculine, please assist me._)

Perhaps this is also a good time to ask myself, these things I'm giving my energy to right now (at this cycle of my life), are they aligning me with the path I want to walk towards?

This is the Invitation of the Now. Unpack, unload, make room. So you can receive.

Thank you, Mother.


What is there to unpack?

  • Physical. The Material.
    • Possessions. Clutter, Attachments to material things I own/owned. Stagnant objects taking space - or things I no longer vibe with. (Things that no longer resonate). Share as gifts or give away.
  • Responsibilities. Ego Roles.
    • "Who I have to be." "This is me." "But,"

Making room for:

  • Camping trips / outdoor adventures / more time with nature.
    • My own tent. Hihihi!
  • A visit and a stay in Cebu
  • My Safe Space Sanctuary Soul Studio Tahanan by the woods and near the beach / body of water.
aug 22 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +