Grateful for:

  • consistent practice of going out and bathing under the sun in the mornings these past few days
    • it feels good to sweat slowly under the heat of the sun, the sensation of your pores opening...and purging toxins, releasing, releasing
    • it feels good be warmed by the sun, for my insides to be woken up by its light and its heat, saraaap
    • it feels good to include a meditation or yoga practice with it too! With nature as your witness ❤️
    • I have also been making it an intention to be close to the earth recently, to ground again, to remember what it feels like to be rooted to (my) nature once again.
    • This practice I have mentioned, I have been doing it in a spot in the garden where the sun shines upon and which has an island of earth and grass, surrounded by plants and small trees. It has been lovely to sit with them and enjoy the quiet of the morning.
  • giving myself the chance to join my spiritual community again
    • It has been a while since I last participated in a soulful gathering that I've attended quite consistently during the beginnings of the pandemic.
    • Lately, I have been avoiding attending. Besides making finances as an excuse (some gatherings have fees), I also felt like 'I wasn't ready' to sit with them again. I was in ocean of my emotions, restless, unsettled (uncentered). At one point, I also remember feeling -or maybe thinking?- I didn't need them anymore. That my time of growing with them has gone and it's time to move on or embark on other personal aspirations (on my own). This was untrue.
    • Now I remember (and I am being reminded) of how healing it is to grow with a community - not just with my spiritual tribe but also my progressive group of friends.
    • It reminds me of how I am not alone. That there are many others experiencing the same pain as me, the same worries, the same dreams, the same emotions.

I am not alone. I am not alone. I am not alone. I am with so many others. I am with community.

    • I am grateful for the opportunity to gather these past few days: the SAKA orientation, and the GAIA gathering. Aahh, it feels good to be alive!
    • I'm also grateful for a lowkey answered prayer. It was not quite recently ago when I hoped that I'd have something of a weekly gathering again with a soul tribe, sisters who are also in the healing process. I thought of this remembering our When She Comes gatherings during the latter part of 2020. And guess what? Gaia Cebu decided to hold a weekly connection session every Monday at 7-8pm.

Taking Note of:

  • How I wished to be reminded of own energies again.
  • Difference of working with a daily deliverable and getting paid per day versus working daily with no daily outputs to deliver (something like that)
may 24 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +