18th // Oh look, I missed another day (17th). I was feeling quite lonely yesterday -and the other day too to be honest. I haven't felt that way in a long while. It felt like something was missing. I was yearning for romantic company but there's no way to fill that void because I don't have a boyfriend or any romantic interest at the moment. :( The day was also filled with dread over a client's visit and her entourage so my energy got sucked all the way out and by the end of the day I was depleted.

I went to the mall for something to do. Perhaps another thing purchased can keep the void at bay. I regretted going to the mall as soon as I got there - too many people, the light was too bright, etc. I roamed around anyway looking for something to buy. I eventually bought sushi for dinner, a rug and bedsheet from H&M Home, and a double scoop ice cream from Mad Mark's. I felt better by as the night ended (oh, I also bought a mirror!). I took some selfies when I got home because my eyeshadow was the bomb that night!

On to today, we had our office Christmas party at my place! It was raining but the event pushed through. It was lively with lots of food! I hope my housemates weren't so put off by our noise. I got 2 bags and a pair of earrings as presents. <3

I finally had the chance to do my laundry and hence I was able to change my bed sheet and pillow cases!! It's so cute now. I used the new set I bought yesterday. It's a bit of dull mint green with dark teal stars all over.

I really need to work on my weight by the way! I think I'm having problems with my right knee and ankle because of it. Can't handle too much walking! :o Also, it's so difficult to sort through my clothes now and decide which to wear because most are tight already or don't look flattering on my anymore. Huhu. How to start?

dec 18 2017 ∞
dec 22 2017 +