24th //

It's Christmas Eve! Nothing too festive happening in our house though. My sister and I spent the day (and yesterday) binge watching Stranger Things. We finished the second season today. I'm feeling okay, quite frankly! I mean, there was a bad start earlier in the morning because an officemate texted asking what needs to be done with a client's dress so they can finish it. I worried, wondering if she meant they'll be working on it today when it should be their break already (last office day was on the 23rd). I spent a few hours just thinking about it. The thoughts disappeared as soon as we started watching the series.

Currently, it's 8:16pm. I took the other half of my anti-depressant pill tonight. Not really sure if it's taking effect! Yesterday, I was pretty hyper even before taking it. I'm pretty energetic tonight too though I have nothing much left to do - my mom and sister are already sleeping, so is my grandma on the living room couch. My brother is out with some friends and my dad is...watching t.v. our using the laptop in their room. So here I am, writing faithfully about what transpired in my day. Just to keep track of things, you know? Might be useful in the future.

At the moment, I feel like things are manageable. I'm not sure if it's being home in Taytay talking since I'm far away from work and all but I also can't gauge right now how I'll feel once I get back to work. Will I be paralyzed again like in the previous week? I guess we'll see on the 27th to 29th and 1st week of January. Right now, I'm also considering the practicality of having a job -and having a paycheck. It's very convenient. More convenient than having my mind inconvenienced? I have yet to decide.

dec 24 2017 ∞
dec 16 2021 +