5th // spent the night with Madey & Aiden <3 Catch up date. It was lovely!

6th // UP Town with Boobams! We ate sushi (favorite crunchy spicy salmon roll!!!) and then bought frozen margaritas from The Backyard for take-out and went around the mall sipping from our plastic cups with alcohol. T'was fun and now, I'm a little bit tipsy happy. <3

7th // It was my day off from work so I had my hair colored a light ash blonde. It turned out lovely, refreshing, and youthful! Later in the day (night time), I met with my mom, brother, and lola to watch Smaller and Smaller Circle in SM East Ortigas. Ang gwapo ni Sid Lucerio pls. And siyempre, ni TJ Trinidad! OH EM However, the night ended sourly with me and my mom having a fight about me not wanting to start a clothing business...and the age old usapan ng goals and direction in life!

8th // Celebrated Nat's birthday by eating dinner at Sambokojin(Japanese & Korean cuisine buffet)! I''m stuffed.

I woke up not feeling like going to work with my swollen eyes (from last night's crying) but my mood shifted eventually when I actually got to work. I'm not sure what my lack of feelings (or care?) towards work means. Hmm...

9th // It was quite uneventful at work today except for the dread I usually feel anticipating an entourage bride. But guess what? Today I realized that, "it's almost always never as worse as how you imagined." It turned out well actually! I was wondering where all the worry was coming from. Huhuhu

10th // It was a typical Sunday at work - which basically means no breathers between a consistent onslaught of clients scheduled (or not scheduled) for the day. I was dreading another bride's entourage fitting despite yesterday's learning but there was a brief moment when I wondered if it's possible to feel anxious about not having anything to be anxious about. "Isn't there something I should be worrying about??" Life is funny. Hahaha

However, I ended the day with a Swedish & Thai Massage Combo from Nuat Thai with my best friend, Ara. IT WAS SATISFYING! Though nabitin ako ng slight sa stretching part. But it was great! <3

dec 5 2017 ∞
dec 18 2017 +