
I just want to write here what I hope for as July begins. Second half of the year.

As I'm writing this on the 2nd day of the month, what I currently hope for an intend as I move forward are:

  • I hope to get back in touch with myself and practicing again, how to care for my needs.
  • I hope to be in touch with or reconnect with things I enjoy, things I like, things that spark joy within me.

I feel that recently, I have been unkind to myself. I have been judgmental or critical of what I do and what I think and what I feel that I have separated myself from my true essence, my heart's intentions regarding why I do what I do.

I have been devoting myself to others' needs that I went beyond my boundaries and I have started feeling anxious when I'm not worrying about what other people need which spirals into worrying about what they'll think of me if I'm not attending to their needs (or trying to figure out what they need).

Today, I told myself, "that is not something I have to fix," as I was imagining some scenario in my head. So I am reminded and shown that, aaah, I have been spending a lot of my (mental) energy trying to fix situations that...are not even happening in actual. I overthink trying to foreshadow possible scenarios and what I will do to 'fix' them that I wasn't living presently or in the moment. I wasn't moving embodiedly.

Anyway, I also told myself as I began writing this that I won't dive much into trying to dissect what happened, how I felt, what I thought, did, etc.

Because in this exact moment, I choose to be free.

I choose to be free.

And by that I mean, I choose to live presently, right where I am. Not worrying about the past or the future but tuning into, listening to what the present needs.

Aaah, it's been a while, beloved. I missed you.

I missed spending time with myself, dedicating time to things that make me happy, things that make / allow me to feel joy. Aaahh.

I'm happy to be home. I'm happy to come home.

And I want to stay here in this moment when I'm not thinking of what do I do next? Instead, I'm simply being. I'm simply being. I love that.

jul 2 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +