The invitation is to move slow, and to move even slower.

To be a mindful, compassionate observer to my life, how I react or respond, how certain situations make me feel, how I feel around certain people

To observe...without taking action just yet, without making decisions or coming to conclusions, To observe like I am watching my life unfold, Lovingly, kindly, forgivingly, motherfully,

The intention is, to be kind to myself. To be loving and forgiving of my needs, of what I need if I need rest longer than I think it should be if I need space and solitude if I need more time doing nothing if I don't want to do something

to observe that yes, this is important but my choice not to act on it does not make me any less lovable or unworthy

to realize that I am still whole that I am still loved that I am more than enough even when I say no even when I decide to choose myself

carefully and mindfully these things, they are not rushed into, my love

be patient with yourself be kind to yourself be forgiving of yourself be loving with yourself

Inwards first, and watch it efortlessly radiate outwards to those you love to the environment and spaces you grace

Inwards first, my love like a seed growing first, it is buried with no one to witness it until it blooms, it sprouts, and stands tall in its certainty of itself a humble knowing and trust that he is exactly as he should be

accepting that he does not fly like the birds but witnessing, witnessing nature all around and knowing, knowing, feeling that he is one of nature too

May I be like a tree, Mother. May I be like a tree.

jun 2 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +