June 1

  • had a really deep rest after which I felt renewed, rejuvenated
    • I remember praying to the Mother before falling asleep, surrendering my woes and worries, asking for help, being honest with where and how I was
    • I also did a Yoga Nidra meditation prior

June 2

  • I went under the sun. That is, I bathed in the light and warmth of the afternoon sun. It felt good, refreshing. It makes me feel spacious when I step out into nature, especially when I'm full of thoughts or too up in my head. The vastness and distance of the sky makes me feel I have (my brain has) more breathing room.
  • Encouraged by this sun bathing, I decided to go for a relaxing walk around the subdivision, taking my time.
    • I experienced a touching moment seeing two kittens nursing from their mom, under a car. I didn't expect to feel that way but I felt a deep appreciation when I saw them and wanted to stay in that moment a little bit longer.
    • When I was closer to home already, the canopy of a big tree against the sky awed me as well. It was just so beautiful. The green against the blue, its leaves slowly dancing to the wind.
  • Aah, nature's wonders / gifts.

June 3

  • I took my time waking up, reminding myself to be gentle and kind to myself for wanting to wake up a little later. For wanting to sleep a little longer.
  • Perhaps having difficulty rising earlier is my body telling me it needs more time to rest or that it's healing. Why would I deprive my body of what it needs to replenish?
  • Thus, I took my time waking up by greeting parts of my body from the feet up to my face and crown. Greeting each, 'Good morning'. It certainly helped transition my energy from asleep and resting, to slowly readying for activities for the day. I told myself, I still have this month to take my time waking up before working on site begins in July. Perhaps I can take this time to balance my energy.
  • I gently rose from the bed and did a color wash meditation and the 3rd day of Adriene's June calendar. It was a good start to my morning.

June 20

  • I got approved for SPay Later and I feel grateful because I've been having phone troubles lately. A lent one is currently experiencing lag and is having difficulty managing the processes I need (low ram) and last week, I also broke my iPhone. Half of the screen is black and not responding to touch anymore so it can't function now.
    • I've been trying to get approved for SPay later since the beginning of the month and maybe even last May but I keep getting rejected. Today, I tried again, out of necessity, and I got approved! Yaaay!
    • But I only received 5k (I was expecting to get 7500) and that is lower than the phone I was planning to buy. I hoped that Shopee will let me pay for the remainder through other means but just as I was checking out, there were vouchers I got to use that brought down the price I need to pay to 5k! Waaah!
    • I feel that it is a blessing that everything worked out so smoothly today as I intended to get a new phone. Thank you, thank you angels.
  • Speaking of angels, earlier today I was praying, asking for guidance in my new work which I have subtle feelings of regret and sadness bubbling in. The message that came to me was, "How is this helping me?" and it arrived so quickly, immediately after I asked for help.
    • It was interesting because, the question was posed positively, as if reminding me that this is helping you, Aien. A nudge to see from that perspective. A message that assures, this is helping you.
jun 2 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +