Let's make pink the color for MAY.

The first four months of the year was quite heavy, I feel. There were moments of joy and bliss but overall, it felt like a roller coaster and I ended April feeling heavy, carrying or having absorbed a lot of negative and dense energies. Maybe mine. Most likely from my housemate and the environment I've been in.

This weekend, April 30 to May 1, I resolved to rest. To take a break. To turn a different direction. I know I could have also alotted my time to help out with postering and also showing support for the workers' rally today but...I have no more energy. I haven't had energy in a while, I feel.

The last two months have been so different from what my first two years of the pandemic has been like. It's exactly two years, I realize (began March 2022 to March 2022). I was in a different portal at the time, I guess. Now, I'm coming out of it and into a new one. (Eclipse season much?? HAHAHA. There is a solar eclipse and new moon this weekend though... :o) It's time to embrace it.

This weekend, I decided to attend to myself by engaging in self-care practices that I used to do more frequently when time was more flexible, bendable...I'm thinking, "when time was more in flow." Before heading home last Saturday, I danced. I danced and danced and just let the energy move me. I danced to Heavenly Father by Bon Iver and I also repeated a Color Wash Meditation by Ea. It was a good start and I continued attending to nourishing practices until I got home.

I discovered Yoga Nidra which I intend to add to my daily self-care practices. It's like a body scan meditation and I think it's a good way to cap the day - to purge excess and energies that are not mine. To wash away the day, cleanse, and replenish, restore, rejuvenate my own energies.

I also discovered new mindfulness practices accounts on Youtube! I think it's good to add a new assortment to my usual go-to who is Adriene. ☺ I subscribed to these on my other Youtube account on my phone and also downloaded some videos so I can access them whenever/wherever even when I'm offline.

Aaah...I am grateful for these new energies. ☺ Thank you! I know and I feel I've not completely purged and restored my energies but a start is a start and I feel good about this new month. Oh dear universe, I do feel like I'm on to a new beginning. *exhales*

Some of my Intentions this month of May:

  • Practice Yoga Nidra - nightly, before going to sleep
  • Resume a 30-Day Yoga journey to re-activate my muscle memory and improve physical stamina. Giving Home a try this month ☺ I'm feeling a little bit scared because I feel my body is not how it used to move a few months ago (say, January of this year. Hahaha) but then again, the reason I'm doing this is to work on that and get my body back into the groove of moving again - and feeling light while I'm at it.
  • Resume my Listography weekly recaps! Hihi. Maybe with more "topics"? For example:
    • assessment/review/__observation__ of where I'm at (present), reflecting on it based on where I was (past), and using that opportunity to observe what's changed or what's not changed, and then perhaps based on what I find, what I hope to be or do moving forward (future)
    • what I'm thankful for / appreciate / grateful for / celebrate for the week (i.e. a workmate's thoughtful message, a comrade's expression of love, among others ♥ )
    • events that transpired during the week / how I used my energy
    • maybe a habit or practice I'm starting for the week or continuing
  • work on my weight
    • this has been a pressing message I have long delayed - for a good couple of months now. Change your diet, what you intake. • "I want to feel lighter."
    • I have been feeling physically heavy recently it's been hard to move and breathe. Clothes are also tighter. It makes me feel less confident and more self-conscious. I want to change that. I want to feel better about my body and I also want my body to feel better. I think and I feel my body will feel better if I eat better.
    • I want my stomach to feel less bloated and heavy. I want my chest to feel more open and expansive. I want my whole body to be able to carry my weight all together. (I currently feel most of my weight is being carried by my legs downwards. I think I want to my core to be the one doing most of the carrying).
  • To communicate more directly / forwardly.
    • To say, "No, I'm not available." "No, I can't." "I would like to rest instead."

Some Nudges:

  • Take-up a dance class or a theater workshop. Practice / rehearse for a performance. Learn something new or practice together with someone else or a group.
  • Schedule a healing session with Opaline.
  • Lose the weight. (Both physical and energetically).
  • Catch-up on Intentions / Goals Backlog: declutter, etc.

Take a breath before deciding.

Take a breath whenever you feel unsure.

Take a breath whenever you feel pressured to respond.

Take a breath when you're worried.

Take a breath when you don't know what to do.

Take a breath when you feel like you're being attacked.

Take a breath when you feel unsafe.

Take a breath when good things are happening.

Take it in.

Take a breath when love is being shown or shared.

Learn to look Love in the eye,

so you can welcome it,

so you can recognize it.

Practice learning how to let love in.

may 1 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +