Blessings came pouring in...

Oh, wow. What a jam packed morning.

    • I started with a meditation practice, sitting by the garden. It was a lovely way to slowly wake-up the body and the mind.
    • Prior to that, I remember waking up this morning feeling a wave of desire (of lust and love). I wanted to be touched and kissed intimately down my back, along my spine, at the base of my neck, to feel skin pressed against me all over my whole back. Mmm.
    • Afterwards, I had a breakfast of coffee, sugar-coated donut with cheese filling, and some cake. I remember thinking...

What if I moved like I am holding something sacred inside me?

A beautiful, lovely invitation. Something to keep in mind or come back to when I catch myself getting swept into rushing or doing things with little mindfulness. What if I am holding something sacred inside me? How do I allow this to influence my movements?

  • This was my intention for the day but somehow, there were great happenings that followed soon after that I felt overwhelmed by excitement and 'oh, wow!' feelings. Hahaha.
    • First, Brave Story progress. I was finally able to try the Boost Post option for ads and it worked wonders. I have been praying for it to work. I remember not praying for anything so specifically but just...for us to be able to work through the hurdle of having an ads account disabled and also having past ads that didn't translate into followings.
      • This and encouraged me and made me feel excited about the future of Brave Story. The possibilities we can work on and future ideas for content creation. ✨
    • Second, my sister messaged me saying Cosmark would likely contact me today for a part-time job opportunity.
      • This was unexpected. I thought this was a lost opportunity since I e-mailed them end of April with no response or updates.
      • It also came at an interesting time when I am more confident (and excited) about my content creation skills (with the help of Brave Story
may 26 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +