Things to go back to / for review


I've been feeling sad about the change that my new work will bring. I have my doubts if I made the right choice, especially since I decided on it during a Mercury Retrograde period. Also, there are new opportunities coming up recently - at Inflexion, at CANVAS, etc. I wonder if I chose what's nourishing for me?

Some of the newness it will bring include:

  • having a fixed schedule: reporting to work 9am to 6pm
  • reporting to the office 4x a day
    • honestly, I find this too frequent. I hope we can reduce it to 3x a week. I pray to the Gods for this to happen. May all benefit.
    • I can breathe more with the idea of 3x a week. 4x a week makes me feel choked and trapped.
  • lots of coordination and timely communication is asked for. Something I have a resistance towards. Direct communication, I think, is something that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable because I don't feel confident in what I say or share, nor what I know. (Observing, observing, just observing these thoughts without judgement.)
  • a new pace is what it is, really. More fast paced that what I have become familiar and comfortable with this first two years of the pandemic.

I have my fears and doubts but this morning I told myself, "Let's enjoy this trip."

Let's enjoy this trip. Let's have some fun. Let's welcome what the newness brings. New people to laugh with, new people to cross paths with, new environment, new space new rhythm to dance to

That's the intention, "Let's enjoy this ride."

Long-term plans with CUT in mind:

  • save-up for Japan visit in 2023
  • prepare for moving back home, June 2023

Remaining of 2022:

  • observe the rhythm of regular work - is it something I can flow with or am in sync with?
  • am I earning enough to walk closer to my dreams of living close and with nature?
jun 2 2022 ∞
oct 22 2022 +