Dear Aien,

A reminder(s) on why you chose to resign:

~ a full-time job doesn't feel aligned with your desire to devote most of your time to prayer and devotion, and acting/moving/__living__ from a place of Truth and Love (_Soulful_)

~ what the company does doesn't feel aligned with your values; you feel it consumes too much / produces too much waste (esp. during event proper - paper, plastic, styrofoam, etc).

~ I know that sometimes it feels like, "Aaah - but maybe that's the challenge. I have to work hard to change the ways." But...I feel we have been in that mindspace for too long :( Always feeling like we have to work hard...

~ What if... it doesn't have to be that way? What if your joys and your purpose can come easy - almost like play? Mmm, doesn't that sound, look, and feel good?

What if your dreams and desires can come easy? What if we just give it a try? Go another direction?

There's no need to Hurry towards that direction - it can be just one small step after another ~~~ until you feel ready to fly, soar, or run, or leap or dance or prance :) Hihi

I am resigning because... I want to open up to the possibilities that exist outside of this "path" - this 'bubble'. I want to resign so I can choose again.

This time, from my Heart-place, from my Joy, from my Truth, from what Spirit desires for me too.

And so it is,

Ashe Ashe Aho

sep 3 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +