Is typing less meditative than the gesture of writing?

i arrive here through each letter, pressed and appearing

i write to breathe... i write with breath each letter, a note

my cells crave stillness & quiet

  • ..

~ safety solace solitude

i'm tired of the noise... those i have created, and those that permeate my surroundings

i type to listen to let the emotions of my inner soul flow

i'm trying to listen to make space to listen to my self

if i were to swim through my cells... how do they feel?

jittery, I think


  • what is my relationship with fire? ...inner fire? how may I tend to my fire - that which keeps me alive? Sustains me? sparks and fuels my creation? that which keeps my love burning? passionate?

This is arising because I feel I have been lethargic lately - physically moving but engaged in 'meaningless' work; meaningless, at least to my soul or heart...

I miss doing acts of service for the people, those who are in need, the less priveleged, the children. I miss being with community and having time to volunteer. I miss listening to stories of life (however that chooses to unfold for each individual).

A part of me, Mother, still feels like I have to keep tending to my garden --- to an extent, I believe that is true and there are ways to sustain that as I go through life but I feel it is time to experience offering or sharing what my garden has to offer, or what my garden is capable of welcoming.

I love creating spaces - an environment or energetic field where people can feel free to...let their walls down, a space where being can relax into. _(Do I, myself, feel relaxed at this time?)

I keep thinking, thinking, thinking.

But lately, I have been feeling, feeling, feeling also.

I just long to sit with myself and 'quiet the demons.' Make peace with my inner wars. I want to make peace with my inner wars and demons, Diving Teacher.

The Divine has helped me purify so many layers and aspects of myself and Aien, I also want to affirm that this has unfolded because your Heart has always made the intention to be so. Regardless of how 'hard on yourself' you were at those times you wished to change and be 'something else', your Truth still resided there.

Ipinagdadasal mo pa ding maging mabuting tao. :) And I feel that it's time to arrive at the truth that..._You Are_.

You are Beauty. You are Kindnness. You are Love. God dwells in You. God dwells in You,

the Spirit of the Lord, resides in you

  • ..and you are in the process of Awakening to it.

Sit with the Year that Has Been. Everything has been working for You.

For the rest of the year... can we sit with all that has been? Before we plan what we seek next or yearn to have or ~manifest in our lives soon, may you please sit first with all that you have Received already?

All that has unfolded ~ the good and the bad. Take your time appreciating them, or observing / noticing how you feel about the situations that arose for you and the experiences you've had.

Let them come and go, in your Awareness, and with your Heart

I feel...that's a beautiful way to end the year.


dec 15 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +