Dear Mother,

I was in conversation today with some officemates and the topic was around a husband and wife where the husband was inviting the wife that they both resign in order to conceive a baby.

The wife wasn't in agreement with this and I honor and know little about their relationship to consider what must be done.

But what remained poignant to me in this conversation with a friend is that...she was worrying about what the wife would do with just staying home.

Another topic just before that was another officemate who wants to conceive a baby ~ and how it was a waste of her hardworking (_masipag_) nature to just stay home. I feel it was implied that it would be worthwhile if she just keeps working.

And in these stories, I observed how we as humans are so afraid of slowing down, of being left to ourselves "with nothing to do" ~ and how a part of me disagrees with this because I actually enjoy having "idle" time / moments wherein I have nothing to do externally but just breath and be.

sep 25 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +