Gratitdude and thanks may be a feeling and sensation more than anything, but these are moments from which they arose 🌸

5.16.24 I have been home in Taytay for a couple of days now and being here makes me look forward to staying here again for a while, for good. Just some of the things I really appreciate while here were,

  • The Quiet. No noise from the streets, of cars passing by, or the busy highway ~ just the rustle of the wind, dancing among the trees and between its leaves; the humming and chirp of the birds
  • Home-cooked meals. 💗 Aaah, the comfort of home cooked meals that just feels familiar and hits close to the heart...need I say more?
  • Accessible physical activities! Swimming and biking, walking / strolling,
may 16 2024 ∞
may 16 2024 +