What happens if I let go of all who I claim to be?

I claim to be a good person.

I claim to be kind.

I claim to be *good*.

I claim to be non-judging but in fact I just suppress my own thoughts and feelings because I'm scared of being unkind.

I claim to be a person of the people.

I claim to care. (And I do but I usually assume it must be at the expense of myself, my whole being).

I claim to be humble (but what is True Humility?).

I claim to be unworthy.

I claim to be undeserving.

I claim to be misunderstood.

I claim that I don't have enough time.

I fear claiming that I am enough.

I fear claiming that I don't have to do more to be worthy.

I fear claiming that I can rest in this moment.

I fear claiming that I can be joyful despite all that is happening in the world.

I fear admitting that I can be judgemental.

I fear claiming that I can feel anger.

I fear claiming that I'm allowed to dislike what I'm experiencing.

I fear admitting that I don't have the time or space...or the same feelings towards experiences that I used to identify with.

_The truth is, you arrive at your real Truth. The Truth that can never be shaken, tarnished, dissolved or disentegrated. An immortal Truth that lives beyond time, that exists beyond all dimensions.

dec 5 2022 ∞
jul 21 2023 +