Thank you Mother, for the guidance received through Sisters. thank you, Mother, for the guidance received through sisters. THANK YOU, Mother! For the guidance received through sisters.

Salamat po, salamat po, Salamat po!

My prayer is to receive these well-meaning guidance with an Open Heart and a Discerning Mind('s Eye).

My prayer is, may I receive these well-meaning guidance with an Open Heart and a Discerning Eye.

Ashe, ashe, ashe.

~~~ from Teacher Cath Prema:

"Greetings!! Use your voice when you pray, chant, sing,_weep, yearn, bless, or read scriptures out loud. The unique vibration of your own voice is potent in healing your entire body, mind, heart and spirit.

Blessings today. Amen. 💚

We must practice to only use our voice to bless and speak the truth. Telling lies, idle talk, and harming others with our voice and words weakens the integrity of our throat chakra. A powerful manifestation begins from an intact integrity, what you speak must come to existence."

aug 14 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +