If I am a newly born child... how would I Mother me?

How would I raise myself?

Grounded in Love and devotion.


What needs do I recognize i need?

  • support at work; someone to steer the sheep (haha, I meant ship) and navigate the waters - someone to teach me what to do, guide me what needs to be done to go through it; I would like a detailed, step-by-step approach or broken down if broken down checklist because currently i am finding it hard to focus po but the ship needs to keep steering (at least, while I'm still onboard);
  • organization at home: well-kept; there's so much clutter i/I don't need
  • nourishing food: what will support my body in this growth?



  • what help am I receiving from Source? Can I take time to notice its assistance too? in all forms? :) from signs and symbols, to friends and family, to strangers and other creatures; in the small, seemingly mundane aspects of Life?
  • Can I take time to appreciate how Life's picture wouldn't be complete...if not for the smallest of details? A pebble in the garden, a speck of sand on the beach...the one second difference between day and night once the Equinox takes place?



  • there's a part of me, a big chunk still, whose wounds want to be recognized; who still wants to display and flash her wounds and say, "I'm hurting." and it begs for attention from others, from fellow space holders and healers, "I'm hurting!! ...and I'm trying so hard to Heal. Please, reassure me. Validate my efforts, tell me I'm doing it right. Tell me it's going to be okay. Tell me I'm doing so well. I just need to know."

breath in, breath out breathe in, breathe out

I hear you, Beloved. And all I could offer you is my attention, my affection, All of Me. My only invitation is for you to sit with me. Let me Mother you. I am Here. Always, as the Sun rises and as the Sun sets, I am always with you.

Your friends' absence (physically) does't mean they're not with you. They are always with you for they are in your Heart. :) How are you Being in your heart, my child? Will you allow yourself to be reintroduced to this space again? To choose this as your new birthing place?

Ask Mother, to birth you here again, in your Heart(h) Womb, which She holds dearly in her own Womb (the world, the Earth, the Universe), Earth's womb.

Can you be tender with this resistance that you are meeting? This ache in your Heart?

sep 25 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +