Dear Mother,

I thank you (and all the angels, guides, and elements who have been assisting me behind the scenes) for the positive response I have been receiving for the partners I have invited for the upcoming event we are staging this holiday season.

Thank you that they are interested and it's making my job of promoting the event much easier because I have avenues and platforms to support me. All I have to do now is allocate and envision how to go about the available resources to me so as to make it holistic and effective in meeting our goals.

Thank you, Mother.

Mother, I pray that may this abundance trickle down / spread out to the people I work with - not just within the office, but to these people who have decided to give us a chance, try Noel Bazaar and support the event. May this endeavor be fruitful for them as well as it will be fruitful for us.

Mother, there is so much to do and I'm excited to attend to the work that must be done but I know my energy dances and flows differently every now and then. I pray that I continue to receive the support you have been showering me with - and may I continue to lean on this, trust this, and put your gifts and graces to good use.

Thank you, Mother for the universal support...for the support of the universe.

I am truly Blessed. 🌹

aug 7 2023 ∞
mar 17 2024 +