• i learned the meaning of 'felching' today. well, i thought that 'knotting' in fics was pretty gross but wow this one just takes the cake
  • "bulbous" would be a good word to describe the shape of my nose. i realised :|
  • i was just thinking to myself, hey, february the seventh feels like it was an important day not too long ago. how come? and then i answered my own question. it's joon's birthday! my god. it's hard to believe...but in korea he's 30 now, right? holy crappers. you're officially old joonie! hahah. to think i fell for MBLAQ when he was only 22 or something. time goes damn fast, too fast, without me taking the time to notice. happy birthday joon! ( ・∀・) i haven't been keeping tabs on you since the group fell apart but i hope your acting career is going great. i'll always have a soft spot for you five! hope you had a wonderful day~
  • the lyrics to doumoto's winter kill are so nice and thoughtful and lingering, wow. i love them. he's a true musician
  • i had a weird af dream that i was going to visit krystal's apartment. she called me saying she was going to give me a haircut or something, but when i got there she wouldn't let me in. for no reason. when she did eventually open the door, she was so bitchy and just kept giving me the stinkeye lol. she didn't even touch my hair, just put up with me for about then minutes and then told me to get out. i dunno if that's ooc or not because krystal...can be/look bitchy. but why did i even dream about her? lol i don't like her that much
feb 7 2017 ∞
feb 7 2017 +