(actually she does but that's beside the point here)

i was just about to take out the bins, and i realised it was coming down heavy outside. buckets of rain. pouring. i just washed my hair man. and it's already fluffy enough, i can do without even more fluff. so i was like "ok, i'm gonna need sy's super ridiculously tiny purple umbrella. let's do this" and i went to fetch it. i'm not kidding, the very second i stepped outside the door and walked down the stairs, the rain stopped. i was like ?????? WOW.

i would very much like to consider this to be daddy looking out for me. it is his birthday, after all. i would like to note that after his passing, a lot of special days contained rain; from that day on, i decided that whenever it rained, it meant daddy was with me. i know that sounds stupid and rain is absurdly common (because it rains about 74% of the year, yes, i get it), but it rained on the two days i met naomi. it rained on his funeral. it rained the day i left mum and that toxic freaking house. it rained the day i met nanny. it's just...like it's a sign he's there. also, when i feel sad and i'm walking home by myself and i get the urge to cry, i always see a butterfly. that also cheers me up. gives me a boost. whenever i see a butterfly, i know he's with me.

happy birthday, daddy. nanny and i talked a lot about you today. you made some bad decisions in your life - we both admitted that. but you were a wonderful man. i do miss you, so much. i might not think it everyday, but just know that i want to see you so much. i hope you're a little more proud of me than you were the last time you saw me. i hope you like my new hair! it took me forever to get around to liking it myself. i love you. i hope you're up in heaven, getting to know uncle allan and your dad again. i hope it's been a great time with them. ♥

apr 4 2017 ∞
apr 4 2017 +