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massive wip. except funkery and silliness.

- main: about me + updates
- ongoing: 2025 lists, frequently updated lists, journals/trackers, etc
- archive: everything else (not just archived lists)

petra media.
e  (monthly favs ☆)
 (☆ ☆ ☆)
heart locket
marah favorite

dopamine administers · coffee, cheese, most animals, horror, old internet, website building, 90s/2000s technology, romance, love, literature, water, nature, astrology, astronomy, dreams, skeletons, witchcraft, nostalgia, the moon, halloween, castles, fantasy/fiction, video games, horses, languages, board games, my 3ds, music, art, crocheting, dark witch aesthetics, stationary, punk/rocker aesthetics, southwestern aesthetics/decor/architecture, journals, winter, fall, spring, salt, spicy foods to a degree, strawberries, lemonade, the colour red, the colour orange, the color black, the colour pink, animated shows, animated movies, surrealism, poetry, and most importantly: my wonderful partner.

oct 15 2024 ∞
mar 13 2025 +