So much of managing your mental health is just…learning to parent yourself like you’re a toddler. Like, “Honey, it’s 10 pm and you’ve been up since four in the morning, no wonder you’re emotional. Plus all you’ve had to eat today was three chocolate truffles and a half a protein drink. Make yourself some scrambled eggs and peas, you can even put them in separate bowls so they don’t touch. Then go to bed. You can do more fun things tomorrow, but first you need to sleep. Okay?

self talk

  • unhealthy vs healthy
    • "i can't deal with this problem" → "this is challenging, i will try my best"
    • "i will never get this right" → "i haven't figured it out yet"
    • "i am so stupid, i keep making mistakes" → "mistakes help me improve"
    • "this is too difficult" → "this will take some time and effort"
  • when feeling, try:
    • "this is too much" → "what do i need?"
    • "am i behind?" → "what can i celebrate?"
    • "i messed up" → "what did i learn?"
    • "this isn't working" → "what tweak can i try?"

3 types of self soothing thoughts (concept from depressed and anxious)

    • Validation - it’s ok that I hurt and want to feel better
    • Reassurance - I can handle this pain, even though it hurts and I don’t like it
    • Perspective taking: I’ve had bad days like this before, and my record of making it through them is 100%. I can also remember my better days, and know I’m not always hurting this much
feb 1 2022 ∞
jul 13 2024 +