ㅤㅤ never grow up // ribs // 28

    • so here i am in my new apartment / in a big city, they just dropped me off / it's so much colder than i thought it would be / so i tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on
    • this dream isn't feeling sweet / we're reeling through the midnight streets / and i've never felt more alone / it feels so scary getting old
    • i am breathing but / seems like my heart is broken / yeah, now i've become an adult who finds it hard to grasp my dream / and that's growing up

ㅤㅤ tear // kill this love

    • my heart breaks, please i'd rather burn it / so that the pain and my lingering love don’t remain at all anymore
    • i tried putting the memories on fire / i hoped my regrets would become the ashes but / it became even hotter

ㅤㅤ heather // happiness // happier

    • but how could i hate her? she's such an angel / but then again, kinda wish she were dead as she / walks by
    • i hope she'll be a beautiful fool / who takes my spot next to you / no i didn't mean that / sorry i can't see facts through all of my fury
    • and now i'm picking her apart / like cutting her down will make you miss my wretched heart / but she's beautiful / she looks kind

ㅤㅤ kill this love // tear // lost one

    • why do you, who used to be my dream, come to me as a nightmare?
    • we used to walk towards the same place / but here becomes our last / we used to talk about forever / but now we mercilessly destroy each other / i thought we dreamed the same dream / but now the dream truly became a dream
    • i hope the dream / you dreamed because of me / won't turn out to be a nightmare when you wake up

ㅤㅤ kill this love // tear // the god of small things // gold rush // nevertheless // euphoria // in my dreams // state of dreaming

    • i thought we dreamed the same dream / but now the dream truly became a dream
    • why do you, who used to be my dream, come to me as a nightmare?
    • if you're happy in a dream, does that count?
    • my mind turns your life into folklore / i can't dare to dream about you anymore
    • you smile at me even in my dreams, holding me and making me dizzy
    • you are the sun that rose again in my life, the return of my childhood dreams
    • just like this, don’t wake me up / sweetly deceive me / in my dreams
    • i lived my life inside a dream / only waking when i sleep / i would sell my sorry soul if i could have it all

ㅤㅤ children // 2080

    • why are there so many things to do / when i’m still going so slow? / i’m so young / i still get shaken just like that
    • the fast-paced world does not wait for my youth

ㅤㅤ liability // breathe // been like this // babe

    • baby really hurt me / crying in the taxi / he don't wanna know me / says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm / says it was poison
    • my baby don't love me no more / and it hurts like hell / it's like i don't love myself
    • can't put my trauma to the side / when you told me i was lyin', had me feelin' like i died, baby
    • we said "no one else" / how could you do this, babe?

ㅤㅤ this love // cardigan

    • your kiss, my cheek / i watched you leave / your smile, my ghost / i fell to my knees / when you're young, you just run / but you come back to what you need
    • i knew you / leaving like a father / running like water / when you are young, they assume you know nothing / [...] i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired / and you'd be standing in my front porch light / and i knew you'd come back to me

ㅤㅤ a loving feeling // august

    • i'm staying up late just in case you come up and ask to leave with me
    • for me, it was enough / to live for the hope of it all / cancel plans just in case you'd call

ㅤㅤ never grow up // me and my husband // pyro

    • i just realized everything i have is someday gonna be gone
    • i steal a few breaths from the world for a minute / and then i'll be nothing forever / and all of my memories / and all of the things i have seen will be gone / with my eyes, with my body, with me
    • everything i cherish is slowly dying or it's gone

ㅤㅤ opening the window // don't wanna know

    • the seoul skies are clear / but my heart is sad like a gray sunset
    • the sky is so bright but why is my heart so cold?

ㅤㅤ i hate u // would've could've should've // i love you so

    • and if you wondered if i hate you (i do) / shitty of you to make me feel just like this / what i would do to make you feel just like this
    • living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts / give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
    • i hope you feel what i felt / when you shattered my soul

ㅤㅤ lover // christmas tree // restless

    • can i go where you go? / can we always be this close forever and ever?
    • i'll tell you / a million little reasons / i'm falling for your eyes / i just want to be where you are
    • please put me in your pocket / please take me away with you / no matter where, i want to be at your side

ㅤㅤ first love/late spring // would've, could've, should've

    • and i don't wanna go home yet / let me walk to the top of the big night sky
    • living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts / give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

ㅤㅤ sour grapes // lucid dream

    • but even if i stretch out my arms a little longer / i can’t reach it, even if i lift my heels / a love that i can never hold
    • falling, falling, chasing / even if i can’t have you

ㅤㅤ new year's day // one of these nights

    • you squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi / i can tell that it's gonna be a long road
    • goodbye, we said our awkward goodbyes / i turn and say, today’s road is so long

ㅤㅤ starring role // washing machine heart

    • it almost feels like a joke to play out a part when you are not the starring role in someone else's hear
    • baby though i've closed my eyes, i know who you pretend i am, i know who you pretend i am

ㅤㅤ numb // good years // aristotle and dante // erosion

    • i can't open up and cry / 'cause i've been silent all my life
    • feel the wind and the fire, hold the pain deep inside / it's in my eyes, in my eyes
    • i had learned to hide what i felt. no, that's not true. there was no learning involved. i had been born knowing how to hide what i felt.
    • i am / afraid / that if i / open / myself i will not /stop pouring. / why do i fear / becoming a river. what mountain / gave me such shame

ㅤㅤ it's cold // bigger than the whole sky / champagne problems

    • if i touch anything, it freezes, so i’m afraid to hold your hand / because if you come close to me, your heart might catch a cold too
    • every thing i touch becomes sick with sadness
    • your midas touch on the chevy door

ㅤㅤ home is far away // my tears ricochet

    • the weight of today on top of my sagging shoulders, i wanna put it down for a moment, home is far away
    • and i can go anywhere i want, anywhere i want, just not home

ㅤㅤ dear john // 1 step foward, 3 steps back

    • wonderin' which version of you / i might get on the phone tonight
    • and maybe in some masochistic way / i kind of find it all exciting / like which lover will i get today? / will you walk me to the door or send me home cryin'?

ㅤㅤ i was a landscape in your dream // a burning hill

    • i was a landscape in your dream, and all my mountains were on fire
    • and i've been a forest fire / i am a forest fire / and i am the fire and i am the forest / and i am a witness watching it / i stand in a valley watching it / and you are not there at all

ㅤㅤ cardingan // call it what you want

    • and when i felt like i was an old cardigan / under someone's bed / you put me on and said i was your favorite
    • my baby's fly like a jet stream / high above the whole scene / loves me like i'm brand new

ㅤㅤ living dead // tell me about your world

    • i haven't lived life, i haven't lived love / just bird's eye view from the sky above
    • i want to see the world you see everyday with the full vision, i’ve seen enough of the untouchable scenery

ㅤㅤ last words of a shooting star // redecorate

    • and i am relieved that i'd left my room tidy / they'll think of me kindly / when they come for my things
    • i don't want to go like this / at least let me clean my room

ㅤㅤ its cold // when memories snow

    • spring comes and flowers bloom / summer comes and memories melt but here…
    • and when memories melt / i hear them in the drainpipe / drippin' through the downspout / as i lie awake in the dark

ㅤㅤ drew berrymore // favorite crime

    • 'cause it's hard enough you got to treat me like this / lonely enough to let you treat me like this
    • know that i loved you so bad / i let you treat me like that

ㅤㅤ you never know // what a relief

    • although as that light gets brighter / my shadow gets longer / when it’s too bright and blinding / will i be able to look behind me?
    • we dreamed about flying high up in the sky / but it's too high and too cold, it's hard to catch our breath / the brighter the light on us, the darker the shadow

ㅤㅤ cardigan // dear john

    • you drew stars around my scars / but now i'm bleeding
    • you paint me a blue sky / and go back and turn it to rain
aug 6 2022 ∞
jul 9 2024 +