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What a beautiful face I have found in this place that is circling all round the sun. What a beautiful dream that could flash on the screen in a blink of an eye and be gone from me. Let me hold it close and keep it here with me. And one day we will die and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea. But for now we are young, let us lay in the sun and LIST every beautiful thing we see.

listography GIVE MEMORIES
Ryan movies (In theaters, TV series, or docs)
books (reading, read, bookclub)
autobio (Birthdays)
books (Never Ending Summer Reading List)
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  • Eating finger/toe (kinds of kindness movie and florida reality show)
  • Dasani from Andrea at movies. Dasani from Claire at disneyland.
  • Asian squat to H. and then Margaret Cho referencing it a couple days later.
  • Drea and I both get rid of mattresses same week.
  • Russ sends me pic of Mark in “mamas little meatball” tee then I see it right after at kitchen mouse
  • Mr Stockton memorial service (my mentor and someone who changed my life) they announce James Spooner as his mentor
  • Musk's electric truck on freeway then on John Oliver
  • James Kia car next day Fargo Kia dealership and vin numbers
  • Grieg riff inserted in drum and bass song at show in Bristol and Josh humming it to me the day before: bom bom bom bom bom bom bom
  • magnus H's school and magnus in Rushmore
  • tide pods ref at vons then on colbert show
  • stella was a diver that's always down interpol song and stella's ig name curiosity
  • bird crashes into window then a different bird dead under window next day from cat
  • Mention Justin (she wants revenge), see Justin in parking lot, go to a bar and a band is covering she wants revenge
  • Of Mice and Men - H reading at school and Friday Night Lights (kids not caring about school)
  • Bridget Jones Diary - H diary
  • James drawing The Cure Forest tattoo and then the song starts playing
  • Talking to Olivia and Mark about having insomnia and fear of an ax murderer while James was away and the next day an ax murderer with striped socks on the loose on Citizen app and H watched "so I married an axe murderer"
  • Billy Mulligan criminal multiple personality Sybil reference + Sybil in my book
  • Beyond Baroque space: visit with james then tish mentions at dinner
  • Siouxsie shirt in Fullerton vintage shop next day at Ron Herman
  • Hollis telling me “these nuts” jokes from school then they make the joke on Rupaul All Stars episode (characters playing straight dudes)
  • Adam tells me about JSX and then our zoom room guy says he’s quitting to work for JSX
  • Walked accidentally into an archery course under a bridge in San Diego then a week later accidentally walk into another one in LA on a dog walk (never saw archery courses before)
  • there is an emoji that is identical to rumi (brown dog with red/black checkered harness and a green lead.
  • Exposed to a word or something I've never heard of and then hear it again the next day, i.e., visited a jimjilbang the first time and next day was asked to go to one by a different person in a different city
  • romy and michelle movie then on rupaul
  • H throwing up because period. Queens Gambit girl talks about it the next day.
  • brain tumor in book w/ Hollis same brain tumor with Angeline diagnosis.
  • City of Gold doc they visit caricatures in Chicago Art Institute then I’m there and see them (I didn’t know where he was)
  • Visiting Bad Water first time then it appears in movie when I get home.
  • Trying to remember names of tribes and next day on npr they name them.
  • James "netflix and chill" then next night in comedian sketch. he told me I'd hear it soon.
  • Hannah palindrome in arrival movie and james giving example to Hollis
  • no vacancy bar (with andrea and night before with friends of james at a bar)
  • James and I eat tacos on Bundy Drive and then watch OJ series where they live on Bundy drive
  • delaying VA admin visit to claim dad's funeral benefit. I finally go with James then come home and watch American Splendor and he works at the VA admin building. Something I never notice before.
  • discussing boomerangs with James, couple days later guys playing with boomerang in Walgreens parking lot
  • Look up indie theater "frida" then next day adam says he's going to that theater.
  • sarah offering Lindt chocolate and then next day hostage taken at Lindt chocolate shop
  • Korean goth girl rolls her ankle in club. I roll my ankle in Tulum.
  • driving without a license plate google search and then it coming up during a tv show cartoon the next day
  • Elvira on tv and then when we went Hollywood museum
  • When I had a dream that I attended my own funeral and then the next day I saw a film where someone attended their own funeral (fault in our stars)
  • Slouching toward Israel joke on NPR as the book Slouching Toward Bethlehem sits next to me
  • Foster care on tv then in Infinite Jest Book
  • Otherwild drive by then mentioned by Russ
  • Right before going to Scottsdale we see a freeway billboard reading "get away to Scottsdale!"
  • Santo Domingo in lost show before our trip there
  • Madame Butterfly (watched fatal attraction/play with paul)
  • Vogueing (teen conversation about it/taking about it on cab radio)
  • Iguazu Falls, Brazil (desktop pic I had for years/then in a movie/then trip)
  • Teal (color of deodorant bottle/panties I bought)
  • Alice in Chains (in a movie/seeing ticketmaster ad)
  • Jihad (conversation/terrorist attack)
  • Yorick of Hamlet (incredibly loud book/this am life)
  • Andrew Bird (future editor, musician, madonna dated him: 3 birds)
  • Puce (friends shoes/band on fb)
  • Sweet Valley High (blog/Adam commenting on tv poster)
  • Pantages Theater in Judy Garland doc right before Book of Mormon at Pantages show
  • Sarah Silverman talking about Louis CK history on audiobook on I5 drive, that night watching Louis CK's show where she appears and he talks of their history
  • Buenos Aires in Eichmann right before trip
  • Polynesia in South Pacific Musical right before trip
  • Over the Rainbow while cooking and then in Safety Not Guaranteed movie as her favorite song
  • Wayne's World backstage pass joke at Madonna then movie on plane home
  • Adam wants me to listen to Diiv, next day I shazam a Diiv song in store
  • Playing logos game at airport and trying to remember tire company walks by at airport wearing Pirelli tires t shirt


  • Sensing something weird about rumi in bed, then discovering he was locked outside
  • Sudden feeling rumi shouldn't play ball at dog park, that night he's really sick.
  • Warn neighbor of how to do heimlich maneuver on dogs, that night his dog chokes.
  • Rumi going to the upstairs bedroom the first time. He sits at attention and watches "someone" talking to him. Maybe Toki.
  • Having a bad day and talking out loud to my parents. Suddenly the lyrics to a song my dad use to play and love when I was a little kid came into my head: Don McLean, Vincent. "This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you"
  • Toki "Bring it Home to Me" playing at cafe when going to write after Toki's death
  • The fly that visited me and stayed by my side after Toki's death
  • Dad removing evil figure from my dream, saying "it's not suppose to be here"
  • Heading to Paula's wedding in Stockholm....running to catch elevator for 5 second ride...playing my mom's favorite song "white wedding" billy idol.
  • Dad visiting me in my dream and telling me it's going to be okay, to be happy
  • Grandmother (who never visits my dreams) tell me to stop trying to be friends with R...... (trying to guide me away from a particular friend)
  • Make it Last. Make a commitment. Lines from Samsung commercial. Asked for a “sign” about James.
  • Dad had exactly 84 Netflix movies left...he passed at 84
  • Dad's remote control (used for years!) stops working the day of his death. Can't figure it out. Suddenly starts working again later.
  • Richard and I living on the same street
  • Being sat in same booth as Adam Ame slowdive night at BCD tofu house (giant place sat us together haha)
  • Wonderful World playing at store I was in after mom died (her fav song)
  • Adam seeing his high schools marching band come down the street on our trip to London
  • I was drinking tea from a skadden arps mug. This is a mug adam bought four years ago at a thrift store just because he liked the name of it. Today we had a new phone installed and the guy asked adam to call my number to test it. Adam accidentally switched the area code with the first three numbers of my phone number. While he's doing this, I'm drinking out of the skaedden arps mug which I never drink out of because I hate this ugly mug and we never knew what skadden arps was. Well, while I'm drinking out of this mug and adam's testing our phone he gets the answering service message from "skadden arps" law firm (where the mug comes from). Even the phone guy was freaked out.
  • Thinking about jihad the night before terrorist attacks
  • Grandmas middle name is Agness, family we helped girl named Agnes
  • Duchess two nights before she died informing me of her death
  • Feeling like something is wrong with a friend's van, they get into an accident
  • Floating from the couch outer body at college house --peacefulness
  • The numbers 11:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 5:55 etc...every time I look at the clock
  • Ghost as a child down hallway while doing somersaults
  • A being touching me every time we've moved into a home we bought (3103, 662, 21 E, 415). fascinating experience. Glowing peaceful octopus-like being that reaches down to touch me but I am jolted with energy when it reaches me --and startled.
  • Dad's stories about Vietnam. 2 men stepped into situations where he would have died (cave, bar). Followed strong intuitive warning.
  • Grandma's stories: the mysterious military doctors who disappeared after operating on my dad and saving his life. They spoke to my grandma telling her my dad was going to be alright. (later the hospital told her they don't have any military doctors there). He had been sent to the morgue from a car accident. He came back to life and scared a nurse. Full body cast. Her warning that her husband would die 3 days later from a jesus-like person in her dreams and it came true exactly.
  • I have de ja vu a lot.
  • Adam wakes up to a bright light the night my mother passed.
  • My mom never talks in her sleep. When she was sick, I listened to her sleep on a baby monitor. I never once heard her talk in her sleep. One night, I went to her room and she was in conversation with someone. The next day I asked her and she tried to remember. The she said, "I walked up this big beautiful hill and someone met me there. They were nice and told me I would not die until Spring." My mom passed first week in spring.
dec 19 2012 ∞
nov 20 2024 +