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  • remarkably bright creatures, shelby van pelt
  • the princess bride, william goldman
  • my year of rest and relaxation, ortessa or something


  • the outsiders, se hinton
    • "that was his silent fear then – of losing another person he loved."
  • the bell jar, slyvia plath
  • sea of tranquility, emily st. john mandal
  • the stranger, albert camus


  • coraline, neil gaiman
  • the secret history, donna tartt
    • “forgive me, for all the things i did but mostly for the ones that i did not.”


  • east of eden, john steinback
    • "abra,my mother was a whore"
  • just kids, patti smith
    • "we'd used to laugh at our small selves, saying that I was a bad girl trying to be good and that he was a good boy trying to be bad. through the years these roles would reverse, then reverse again, until we came to accept our dual natures. we contained opposing principles, light and dark."


  • castle in the air, diana wynne jones


  • i'm glad my mom died, jennette mccurdy
    • “I yearn to know the people I love deeply and intimately—without context, without boxes—and I yearn for them to know me that way, too.”


  • the ten thousand doors or january, alix e harrow


  • where the crawdads sing, delia owens
  • the picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde


  • rebecca, daphne du maurier
    • "if only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. and it never faded, and it never got stale. and then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again."


  • midnight library, matt haig


  • the goldfinch, donna tartt
    • "day and night, my delirium had been colored with an awareness of her in the house, recurring energy-surges of happiness at the sound of her voice in the hallway, her footsteps: we were going to make a blanket tent, she would be waiting for me at the ice rink, bright hum of excitement at all the things we were going to do when I got better—in fact it seemed we had been doing things, such as stringing necklaces of rainbow-colored candy while the radio played Belle and Sebastian and then,..."
  • rosaline palmer takes the cake, alexis hall

★= favorite

jan 5 2023 ∞
jan 2 2024 +