old cartoons i used to watch when i was a child.
- scooby-doo — ✦
- baby looney tunes — ✦
- pucca — ✦
- moranguinho (strawberry shortcake)
- polly pocket
- the flintstones
- pica-pau (woody woodpecker) — ✦
- snoopy — ✦
- corrida maluca (wacky races)
- o show do zé colmeia (the yogi bear show)
- knd - a turma do bairro (knd - codename: kids next door)
- a mansão foster para amigos imaginários (foster's home for imaginary friends)
- coragem o cão covarde (courage the cowardly dog) — ✦
- as meninas superpoderosas (the powerpuff girls)
- a vida e as aventuras de juniper lee (the life and times of juniper lee)
- os jovens titãs (teen titans)
- johnny test
- hi hi puffy amiyumi
- pinky e o cérebro (pinky and the brain)
- ben 10
- as espiãs demais (totally spies!) — ✦
- tom e jerry (tom and jerry) — ✦
- hey arnold!
- as aventuras de jimmy neutron, o menino gênio (the adventures of jimmy neutron: boy genius)
- o clube das winx (winx club) — ✦
- monster high
- bob esponja calça quadrada (spongebob squarepants)
- as muitas aventuras do ursinho pooh (the many adventures of winnie the pooh)
- os padrinhos mágicos (the fairly odd parents)
- o máskara - a série animada (the mask: the animated series)
- krypto, o supercão (krypto the superdog) — ✦
- super choque (static shock) — ✦
- o laboratório de dexter (dexter's laboratory)
- os backyardigans (the backyardigans)
- as aventuras de jackie chan (jackie chan adventures)
- he-man
- a pantera cor-de-rosa (the pink panther)
- caverna do dragão (dungeons & dragons)
- bob, o construtor (bob the builder)
- pocoyo
- dora, a aventureira (dora the explorer)
- os sete monstrinhos (seven little monsters)
- as aventuras de tintim (the adventures of tintin) — ✦
- garfield e seus amigos (garfield and friends) — ✦
mar 27 2022 ∞
feb 16 2025 +