• hella abandonment issues
    • please don't suddenly stop replying to me i'll wonder what i did wrong for days if not weeks/months and i'll probably have a panic attack
  • very, very anxious around group chats
    • uhh seriously, if you're really close to me you probably know already so don't ask about it please!! just don't suddenly invite me to group chats and don't be surprised if i get distant when they're being talked about
  • please tell me if you're talking about me! if i suspect otherwise and you're really close to me i can lose a lot of my trust in you and i'll start getting really paranoid. please do this or tag me if you're comfortable!
  • lame as hell
  • feel free to randomly make me threads for my characters and tag me in them
  • feel free to pm me at random times for whatever reason, but warn me if you're going to talk about anything that might be particularly triggering
oct 9 2017 ∞
dec 31 2017 +