• over a year ago, i found a tiktok account called @eliasdebates who i heavily admired
  • elias is a sick racist who defends white people who say the n word, wear blk protective hairstyles, and commit other racist actions.
  • because im a white, streetsmartless, insecure, american, i had little to no concept of racism besides the basics and common knowledge. so i believed him.
  • looking up to elias lead me to going down an anti xenogender/nounself pronoun, white supremacist rabbit hole which i was stuck with for months.
  • i used to spend hours arguing online defending “mine” and elias’s beliefs, desperate to prove a point.
  • prior to early 2022/very late 2021, i actually supported the concept of xenogenders/nounself prns and blk edits. that comes to show that i inherently believe that there is nothing wrong with the topics and i was brainwashed.
  • i was so deep in this mindset that i was able to convince my own mom into these beliefs (i have somewhat convinced her out as of september 2023)
  • it took me a lot of thinking and slow healing to realize that these thoughts and beliefs were terrible and incredibly bigoted and prejudice
  • around june of 2022, i finally abandoned this account and started a new account with hopes that i would forget how horrible i was and pretend it never happened
  • as of today, ive realized it would be best if i confess to all of this on the account that contributed to my bigotry and hatred.
sep 5 2023 ∞
sep 5 2023 +