A la The Overrated List[http://overratedlist.wordpress.com/].
- "How are you?" when no one sticks around to listen
- Antiheroes
- Being drunk (not to be confused with drinking)
- Bros before 'ho's
- Careers
- Celebrities
- Cellphones
- Chicks before dicks
- CGI in films
- College parties
- Concerts
- Convenience
- Counseling & Psychoanalysis
- Cruel humor toward the innocent
- Dating
- Doing what's right for you, no matter who it hurts, because you only live once and if you aren't happy how can you make others happy? Because "you should always follow your heart"?
- Efficiency
- Emotional stability
- Fast results
- Freud
- Gaggling together solely with people one's own age
- Giving change to the homeless
- Hedonism
- Horoscopes
- Hospitals
- someone's Hypocrisy pointed out as a means of undermining that person's rational argument (who traverses life from shore to shore without, at times, falling ill? Should it be argued that illness is good simply because it's natural and perhaps inevitable? There. That's enough of that argument, then.)
- Iconoclasts
- Introspection
- John Locke
- Kids saying the darnedest things
- Loud engines
- Marijuana (not bad, just overrated)
- Not doing drugs
- Not expressing your relevant concerns, so to avoid being offensive
- Organized sports
- Other people's babies
- Partisan thought
- Playing by the rules when the rules are erroneous
- Polyamory (not 'immoral', just not as 'liberated' and innovative as it thinks it is)
- Porn (not to be confused with erotica)
- Psychologists
- Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps
- Rap
- Rejection of the superego in favor of the id
- i.e. belittling the conscientious as 'snobs' out of spite.
- Reproduction
- Respect for thoroughly destructive social conventions under the guise of "cultural differences"
- Shoes
- So-called reality
- Socially endorsed escapism (TV, movies)
- Sticking to your opinion
- Sympathetic understanding for morons
- Television
- Trite sentimentality
- Trust-fund suburbanites idolizing and emulating the impoverished and ghetto, feigning irony when inspected too closely by elitist peers, and filled with secret, misplaced Baudelairesque envy, deliberately perpetuating unfortunate societal conditions in their misbegotten oblivion - dropping coins in the coffers of misogynist rap performers and degrading the quality of street fashion with shoddy, conventional imitations, and sloppily, ironically adopting clever but sharp-edged colloquialisms with no appreciation of their sincerity and the ruthless severity of environment that inspired them.
- Trusting the news more than your eyes.
- Trusting your heart without using your brain.
- Trying to lose your virginity (with no motivating factor but social status)
- Zooey Deschanel
- Sex & Drugs ftw. These are nuances.
(arch 5.10.19 | Corvidius PC}