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  • “'member how i asked you why are you so mean? you didn't know how to react to bein' seen. i tried to be your friend, you made me seem so i’m getting mean. and there you got me, that's how you got me, you taught me to be mean” - regret
  • “'member when i was so sick and you didn't believe me? then you got sick too and guess who took care of you? you hated that, didn't you, didn't you? now when you look at me, you're condemned to see the monster your mother made you to be” - regret
  • “'member when we argued on the concept of regret? you were an expert even then but not me, not yet. now all you gotta do is remind me that we met and there you got me, that's how you got me, taught me to regret” - regret
  • “a girl can roll her eyes at me and kill” - fetch the bolt cutters
  • “all i want is to save you, honey, or the strength to walk away” - carrion
  • “as i figure how to kill what i cannot catch” - get him back
  • “at my own suggestion i will ask no questions while i do my thing in the background but all the time, all the time i’ll know, i’ll know” - i know
  • “be kind to me, or treat me mean. i’ll make the most of it, i’m an extraordinary machine” - extraordinary machine
  • “comparing the way I was, to the way she was, saying i’m not stylish enough and i cry too much and i listened because i hadn't found my own voice yet” - fetch the bolt cutters
  • “every single night's alight with my brain. what’d i say to her? why’d i say to her? what does she think of me? that i’m not what i ought to be, that i’m what i try not to be. it’s got to be somebody else's fault. i can't get caught” - every single night
  • “evil is a relay sport when the one who's burned turns to pass the torch” - relay
  • “here’s another speech you wish i’d swallow. another cue for you to fold your ears, another train of thought too hard to follow” - to your love
  • “home is where my habits have a habitat” - better version of me
  • “hunger hurts but starving works when it costs too much to love” - paper bag
  • “i am not in love. in fact i can't stop falling out. i miss that stupid ache” - not about love
  • “i bet you could never tell that i knew you didn't know me that well. it is my fault, you see, you never learned that much from me” - parting gift
  • “i don't believe your reasoning. now i understand, you're a human and you got to lie, you're a man and you got to get what you want, how you want it, 'cause so do. and i wanted to try. why did you not want to try?” - drumset
  • “i don't understand about the weather outside or the harmony in a tune or why somebody lied but there's solace a bit in submitting to the fitfully, cryptically true: what's happened, has happened, what's coming is already on its way” - red red red
  • “i followed you from room to room, with no attention and it wasn't because i was bored. it was because i was loving you so much, that’s the only reason i gave my time to you” - rack of his
  • “i just need to be reassured. do you just deal it out or can you deal with all that i lay down?” - to your love
  • “i just want to feel everything” - every single night
  • “i said, honey, i don't feel so good, don't feel justified. come on, put a little love here in my void. he said it's all in your head and i said ‘so's everything’, but he didn't get it” - paper bag
  • “i thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bad. hunger hurts, and i want him so bad, oh, it kills. ‘cause i know i’m a mess he don't wanna clean up.” - paper bag
  • “i too used to want him to be proud of me and then i just wanted him to make amends. i wonder what lies he's telling you about me to make sure that we'll never be friends” - newspaper
  • “i took off my glasses while you were yelling at me once, more than once so as not to see you see me react. should've put 'em, should've put 'em on again so i could see you see me sincerely yelling back” - parting gift
  • “i want your warmth, but it will only make me colder when it's over so i can't tonight, baby. no, not baby anymore. if i need you, i’ll just use your simple name. only kisses on the cheek from now on and in a little while, we'll only have to wave” - love ridden
  • “i was just so furious, but i couldn't show you, 'cause i know you and i know what you can do, and i don't want a war with you. i won't afford it, you get sore, even when you win” - fetch the bolt cutters
  • “i will pretend that i don't know of your sins until you are ready to confess but all the time, all the time i’ll know, i’ll know. and you can use my skin to bury secrets in and i will settle you down” - i know
  • “i would beg to disagree, but begging disagrees with me” - under the table
  • “i’ll idealize and realize that it's no sacrifice because the price is paid and there's nothing left to grieve” - get gone
  • “i’ll soon grow hungry for a fight and i will not let you win” - fast as you can
  • “i’m a frightened, fickle person fighting, cryin', kickin', cursin'” - better version of me
  • “i’m gonna make a mistake, i’m gonna do it on purpose […] i’ve acquired quite a taste for a well-made mistake, i wanna make a mistake. why can’t i make a mistake?” - a mistake
  • “i’ve always been too smart for that, but you know what? my heart was not. i took it like a kid, you see. the cool kids voted to get rid of me. i'm ashamed of what it did to me. what i let get done. it stole my fun, it stole my fun” - fetch the bolt cutters
  • “i’ve flipped so far i thought that i would not return” - get him back
  • “it doesn't seem right to take information given at close range for the gag and the bind and the ammunition round. a conversation once colored by esteem became dialogue as a diagram of a play for blood” - not about love
  • “it's a shame, because you and i didn't get a witness, we’re the only ones who know. we were cursed, the moment that he kissed us. from then on, it was his big show” - newspaper
  • “it’s time the truth goes out that he don't give a shit about me” - get gone
  • “kick me under the table all you want, i won't shut up” - under the table
  • “maybe she spent her formative years dealing with his contentious fears and endless jeers and her endless tears. well, maybe she's got tired of watching him sniff white off a starlet's breast, treating his wife like less than a guest, getting his girl to clean up his mess” - for her
  • “nobody can replace anybody else so it would be a shame to make it a competition. and no love is like any other love so it would be insane to make a comparison with you” - ladies
  • “on i go, not toward or away. up until now, it was day, next day. up until now, in a rush to prove. but now, i only move to move” - on i go
  • “one man, he disappoint me. he give me the gouge and he take my glee. now every other man i see remind me of the one man who disappointed me” - get him back
  • “please, forgive me for my distance. the pain is evident in my existence” - to your love
  • “so all i could hear was the noise that people make when they don't know shit” - fetch the bolt cutters
  • “the bottom begins to feel like the only safe place that you know” - heavy balloon
  • “the last one i had who was getting my hopes up i might have been a little fast to dismiss. i think he let me down when he didn't disappoint me” - get him back
  • “then brother, get back, 'cause my breast's gonna bust open. the rib is the shell and the heart is the yolk. i just made a meal for us both to choke on” - every single night
  • “they don't know i used to sail the deep and tranquil sea but he washed me 'shore, and he took my pearl and left an empty shell of me” - sullen girl
  • “this mind, this body, and this voice cannot be stifled by your deviant ways so don't forget what i told you. don’t come around, i got my own hell to raise” - sleep to dream
  • “those boom times went bust. my feet of clay, they dried to dust. the red isn't the red we painted, it’s just rust. and the signature thing that used to bring a following i have trouble now even remembering” - tymps (the sick in the head song
  • “tony told me he described me as pissed off, funny and warm. sebastian said i’m a good man in a storm. back then i didn't know what potential meant and shameika wasn't gentle and she wasn't my friend but she got through to me and i’ll never see her again […] shameika said i had potential” - shameika
  • “we’re like a wishing well and a bolt of electricity but we can still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other. nothing wrong when a song ends in a minor key” - werewolf
  • “well, good morning. good morning. you raped me in the same bed your daughter was born in” - for her
  • “what you did to me made me see myself somethin' awful. a voice once stentorian is now again meek and muffled. it took me such a long time to get back up the first time you did it. i spent all i had to get it back, and now it seems i’ve been out-bidded. my peace and quiet was stolen from me. when i was looking with calm affection, you were searching out my imperfections. what wasted unconditional love on somebody who doesn't believe in that stuff” - oh well
  • “what you did to me made me see myself something different though i try to talk sense to myself but i just won't listen. won’t you go away? turn yourself in, you're no good at confession, before the image that you burned me in tries to teach you a lesson” - oh well
  • “when i learned what he did, i felt close to you. in my own way, i fell in love with you” - newspaper
  • “while you try to find the lines to speak your mind and pry it open, hoping for an encore. and if it gets too late for me to wait for you to find you love me, and tell me so, it’s okay, don’t need to say it” - i know
  • “why did i kiss him so hard late last friday night? and keep on letting him change all my plans. i’m either so sick in the head i need to be bled dry to quit or i just really used to love him” - tymps (the sick in the head song)
  • “you fondle my trigger, then you blame my gun. and when i think of it, my fingers turn to fists” - limp
  • “you maim when you're on offense but you kill when you're on defense and you got them all convinced that you're the means and the end” - fetch the bolt cutters
may 12 2024 ∞
mar 2 2025 +