⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝔦. — i relate to ⠀
- viktor ⭑ arcane ⠀♡
- l lawliet ⭑ death note ⠀♡
- will graham ⭑ hannibal ⠀♡
- andrew neiman ⭑ whiplash
- kyomoto ⭑ look back
- ryo yamada ⭑ bocchi the rock!
- doc holliday ⭑ tombstone
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝔦𝔦. — i like ⠀
- astarion ancunin ⭑ baldur's gate 3 ⠀♡
- arthur morgan ⭑ red dead redemption 2 ⠀♡
- the leper ⭑ darkest dungeon ⠀♡
- kim kitsuragi ⭑ disco elysium
- omar devone little ⭑ the wire
- gojo satoru ⭑ jujutsu kaisen
- jhin ⭑ league of legends
feb 12 2025 ∞
feb 17 2025 +