inspired by petra & sloane.
𝔦. — english, i likely overuse
- ubiquitous ♡
- pervasive
- fallacious
- nevertheless
- notwithstanding
- languid ♡
- instill
- audacious
- illicit ♡
- denigrate
- appraisal ♡
- perfunctory
- rhetoric ♡
- respective
- espouse ♡
- imposing
- assimilate
- harrowing
- cohesive
- stringent
- inclination
- incoherent
- vigilant ♡
- penchant
- mutilate
- perpetual
- lingering
- lament ♡
- oscillate
- signify
𝔦𝔦. — french, mostly simple
- oiseau ♡
- chanson ♡
- étoile
- bientôt ♡
- circonflexe
- aujourd'hui ♡
- autrefois
- papillon ♡
- chatoyant
- mal à la tête
- soixante
- écureuil (suck at pronouncing this one)
- pourquoi (only bcs i like saying mais pourquoiiiiii ? in a whiny voice at minor inconveniences)
- avoir
- formidable
- cicatrice
- bisou
- fâché
- cinquante-cinq (le numéro de carlito)
- vraiment ♡ also: c'est vrai !
- bibliothèque
𝔦𝔦𝔦. — other
- schieße (german)
- principessa (italian)
- che schifo (italian)
- pagliacci (italian)
- 快乐 kuàilè (chinese) ♡
- 梅花 méihuā (chinese) ♡
- 天使 tiānshǐ (chinese) ♡
- 白虎 báihǔ (chinese)
𝔦𝔳. — phrases
- zealot of the convert — fervent devotion of new believers, particularly in comparison to those raised with said faith
- walked like a dog — dominated in a humiliating fashion, particularly in a competitive setting
- keep your nose clean — stay out of trouble
- darken someone's door — appear somewhere you are not wanted
- all hat and no cattle — all talk, without the assets to back it up
- keener — an overly eager person (canadian)
- give'r — to give it your best effort, see also: "send it" (canadian)
- there but for the grace of god go i — that could be me
- rode hard and put away wet — haggard or worn-out
- holier than thou — self-righteous
- bunnyhug — a hoodie (canadian)
- water off a duck's back — having no effect on someone
- lamb to the slaughter — calmly submitting to an unfavourable fate
- bite the bullet — accept a painful or undesirable outcome and bear it
- to be whipped — to be infatuated by someone to the point of being controlled by them
- drink it in — relish or enjoy something greatly
- choke — to fail to perform in a high-pressure situation
- ugly / guilty as sin — extremely ugly / guilty
- in the trenches — struggling a lot or working hard
- any day now! — hurry up!
- tickle the ivories — play the piano
- getaway sticks — legs
- i cooked vs. i am cooked — i did really well, vs. i have no chance