𝔦. — drinks
- rosé
- london fog
- vanilla & mocha lattes
- apple vodka
𝔦𝔦. — albums
- quest for fire by skrillex
- i lay down my life for you by jpegmafia
- chromakopia by tyler, the creator
- around the fur by deftones
𝔦𝔦𝔦. — films
- lost in translation
- rear window
- the passenger
- amadeus
𝔦𝔳. — songs
- make me bad by korn — i am watching the rise and fall of my salvation / there's so much shit around me / such a lack of compassion / i want something to do / need to feel the sickness in you / i feel the reason as it's leaving me, no, not again / all i do is look for you, i need my fix, you need it too / just to get some sort of attention
- obsession by thornhill — your aggression feels so heavenly / i slaughter them all, but you / a portrait of a lady on fire in my head / i'll surrender and crawl, even if it breaks me / just say that you'll never leave cause we're meant to be / your beauty feels like suffering, i'll take it all / you wanna know, vertigo, i'll stay obsessed
- misty by sarah vaughn — look at me, i'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree / can't you see that you're leading me on, and it's just what i want you to do / don't you notice how hopelessly i'm lost, that's why i'm following you
𝔳. — smells
- mango shampoo and honey conditioner
- that cologne, and i'm back there
- bleached sheets after i flop into bed in my dorm
- evie's apartment on my clothes after we hang out
𝔳𝔦. — words
- my name, but it's said like "velllllllll" or "vel!" (scandalized)
- "dope" but only accompanied by that very slight smile
- "gotcha" (i'm addicted to saying it)
- "unserious" (to describe anything and everything)
nov 18 2024 ∞
nov 20 2024 +