people do not see you, they invent you and accuse you.
- when i was a kid, i was prone to random nosebleeds which freaked out people around me, especially when they saw how calm i was about it. i still get them to this day but much less frequently.
- when i'm working on essays, i leave myself short and passive aggressive notes on my work like a mean professor. (e.g. "?" "no" "what" "fix")
- i stole my alias from one of my favourite painters, ilya repin.
- in middle school, my friends nicknamed me "leaf juice" because i really like(d) tea. when i was even younger, my mom called me "小 (贝贝)", which means small in chinese.
- when i was a kid, i recorded films using a camcorder and my stuffed animals as actors. cinema if i do say so myself.
- i have four tiny freckle-sized moles on my face, two on my nose bridge and one on each cheekbone.
- i'm very shy with a resting scowl that allegedly makes me seem disinterested and haughty. i am just afraid of you. internally.
- when i was a kid, i got scolded by my mom for reading while walking through crosswalks. i was a voracious reader back then, nowadays most of my stamina is used for reading cases and textbooks.
- in middle school, i gave a speech about rats and how they're misunderstood for a speech competition.
- my comfort colour is black (potentially obvious) and i default to buying anything in black. when evie saw my closet, the first thing she said was "not a bright colour in sight," and my response was "hey >:( i wear white"
- i have never broken a bone, the worst injury i have gotten is a sprained wrist, which i got while snowboarding.
- when i was a kid, i was afraid of quicksand and getting struck by lightning, and surprisingly, neither of those have come up in my adult life so far.
- according to my friends, i "snore like a kitten," which is better than sleep-talking, which i used to do.
- i have intermittent (i.e. very mild) asthma. growing up, i somewhat regularly used an inhaler, but nowadays i only use one if i have a respiratory infection.
- three things i almost always wear: black chuck 70s, black nail polish, and a silver cross necklace.
- i used to have a bad habit of chewing ice, which i stopped doing out of concern for my teeth.
- i have an obsession with lambs, deer, and religious imagery that puts me in the same category as many coquette pinterest girlies (i went to catholic school in a small town leave me alone)
- i'm terrible at taking care of myself, not in a "i don't work out and eat unhealthy" way, but more in a "i am a dying houseplant without water and sunlight way." having basic human needs is extremely dumb imo and ideally ignoring them will make me become a formless entity.
- i have angular eyes, long eyelashes and thick, slightly angry-looking eyebrows which are some key features that have been infused into my art style.
- since i'm younger than almost all of my uni classmates, multiple of them have nicknames for me like "child" and "baby," even the ones that are only a year older.
- if i talk too much one day my throat will usually be sore the next, presumably because i don't talk much at all, and like anything else, your voice gets weak if you don't use it.
- according to others, i'm very androgynous in both appearance and voice, which is vindicated by people gendering me in a variety of ways both in person and over the phone. i'm like a rorschach inkblot, i'm whatever you need me to be. my ethnicity is also very ambiguous, so far no one has guessed my race correctly by looking at me. #wasian #boba #keshi
- my "killer track" is ain't talkin 'bout love by van halen.
- the alarm i use is chalet. other alarms i have used include the song fast car by tracy chapman, and baka mitai from the yakuza ost (no idea why... maybe to reflect the despair of having to wake up in the morning)
- i am extremely clumsy and have generally horrible spatial awareness. despite this fact, i did a variety of sports and activities throughout my childhood and teenage years (never long enough to not suck at them).
- i have a really sharp jawline which has caused a guy after meeting me for the first time to ask me if i "mew." funniest shit ever honestly (i do not)
- i have 4800+ songs saved on spotify. i've had my account for about 5 years.
- my ipad which i use for notetaking and drawing has tiny stickers of pompompurin's hamster friend, muffin on it (thanks to ev who gave them to me).
jul 27 2024 ∞
feb 16 2025 +