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♡ favourites | ✶ most accurate

  • andrew neimanwhiplash
    • fletcher: you're here for a reason.
    • you believe that, right? say it.
    • andrew: i'm here for a reason.
  • angel devilchainsaw man
    • it's tiring to eat ice cream... apparently even eating things takes stamina. i don't really want to work any more today.
  • eddie munsonstranger things
    • forced conformity, that's what's killing the kids.
    • (holds up iron maiden tape) this IS music!
  • kyomotolook back
    • then i'll get better at drawing too, like you!
  • l lawlietdeath note
    • i'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret, okay?
  • lee harkerlonglegs
    • i never said my prayers, never once. they scared me.
  • naoto shiroganepersona 4
    • i was just a child, dreaming of becoming a detective.
  • randy bradleythe passenger
    • benson: you're gonna be a good boy, right, randy?
    • randy: (nods affirmatively)
    • benson: you are 20 years old, and you are already more pathetic than every person in this godforsaken town. but there's something about you. something fixable.
  • rk800 "connor"detroit become human
    • you can't kill me, i'm not alive.
    • what's up, lieutenant? ran out of whiskey so you came here looking for trouble instead?
  • ryo yamadabocchi the rock!
    • abandoning your uniqueness is the equivalent to dying.
    • i have been living off of grass for these past few days.
  • sebastianstardew valley ✶✶✶
    • you know, i should be doing something productive right now. i just lose focus too fast... maybe i should drink more coffee?
    • the frogs aren't very happy in winter. poor little guys.
    • i usually stay inside, but i do go to the beach now and then. only when it's raining, though. for some reason, staring off into the bleak horizon makes me feel... like it's worthwhile to keep pushing on, i guess.
  • simon henrikssoncry of fear
    • i've always felt alone, my whole life, for as long as i can remember. i don't know if i like it or if i'm used to it.
  • viktorarcane
    • in the pursuit of great, we failed to do good.
    • our paths diverged long ago.
    • it was affection that held us together.
  • will grahamhannibal ♡ ✶
    • don't psychoanalyze me. you won't like me when i'm psychoanalyzed. now, if you'll excuse me, i have to give a lecture. about psychoanalyzing.
  • yuridoki doki literature club
    • the light flickers / i flicker back.
nov 13 2024 ∞
nov 17 2024 +