(WARNING: I may act a little pouty, but this is because of my experiences with these things I hate. Apologies, and read on.)
- You fit in the following Don't Follow If criteria: https://basic-dfi-criteria.carrd.co (Carrd not mine.)
- You hate one of my favourite characters (If you hate Cream Puff Cookie , make abuse images of her or call her vulgar names (Example is "Cream P**s", I will not be polite towards you.).
- You scream, shout, and say horrible things at me.
- You talk about gruesome stuff you wanted to do with your most hated Cookie.
- You joke about Cookies committing crimes.
- You mock people's mental illnesses and mine.
- You are here to cause drama.
- You are here to bring up the topic of hating a fictional baby, like the Ice Age and Peanuts baby. Please never interact with me if you joke about abusing children, infants, newborns, etc...
- You scream out extremely negative and biased comments about CROB (or anything else) at me. I will not be hesitant to block you. Instead, try giving out constructive criticism , and not "YOO THIS SUXORS CANCEL THIS 💀💀💀💀" or the like.
- You use the adjective "autistic" to insult others.
- You think that swearing, being rude and just generally being unprofessional will make you popular on the internet. I will not be listening to you.
- You have a "tough love" attitude. Under no circumstances will I ever condone this attitude.