i think one of my friends is mad at me cause i'm not the same girl who agreed with everything she said so i wouldnt ruin the friendship and she started shading me at twitter now when i started to give her the same treatment she gives me. nothing i can do. actually, if i was giving her the same treatment she gives me, i would actually be way more rude to her. but im not like this. it got to me im really mad now. i dont want to fight or anythhing but if ihave to, so be it; im really tired of this and im not sure if i still want to keep being treated like this and then act like nothing happened. um pouco de toxicidade na relaçao ajuda a fortalecer os laços. im sorry God, if i'm being immature. i have deciced not to talk shit about my friends to other people, iits just not one of my things. i'm planning to stop forever. if i want to roast someone, then i'll do it here. no one will be hurt by this. it's like i'm talking to myself.changing the subject now. the guy who was flirting with me when he was 22/24 and i was 16, its so lame and bitter. im never going out with this fella. he talks about himself in the third person its so lame. theres something strange about him. something that bugs me. a is still living in a world of fantasies. but he actually has the charisma to do so. c is being sour but i'm used to it; also doing his best to make me jealous and stuff; e is ok. we're playing online games and stuff; the girls from my hometown are great to; im greateful for them. i is ok too, i think hes way better now hes out of rehab; c is back and hes talking to me again, this time i'll give him a chance; today im feeling grateful for my mom.. my family.. my father too.. i'm a very privileged girl and i'm grateful for everything. i'll say somethings i'm ggrateful for;. these days, ive realized that not everyone has this perfect relationship with their moms like i have with mine. shes truly my best friend. shes an angel on earth idk what i would do without this woman. this ray of sunshine on earth. i love my mom so much; my father as well. we fight more than anything but im grateful for him too. even if he had no money and didnt have the ability to provide nothing for me. i truly love them for the person they are. im grateful for my home environment. i feel like going out more than usual lately. i'm grateful for my apppearance. i have pretty eyes, pretty nose, pretty lips and a pretty hair colour. perfect body. a body people would die for. a perfect height and im also very funny and a good company to be around. i truly care about people and im generous.im grateful for being pretty; im most grateful for my perfect health also; im thankful for my improvement throughout the years. i'll work harder, i'll draw more, i'll eat better, i'll exercise and socialize ; my coffee is also amazing . i love mornings and breakfasts i started to talk about random things other than the title of the note but guess what i dont care

mar 5 2023 ∞
mar 6 2023 +