Important notes to read before interacting with me.

  • I have past lives from other worlds that are shown in media in this world, I have theories on how this could have happened, you can ask me to explain them if you are interested. It's a topic I like discussing.
  • These past lives, listed on here, are only my lives. No one else has lived as me. People who claim to are either "fictionkin"(relating to "fictional characters") or lying. If you can't respect this then I don't want to interact.
  • I don't believe in multiverse theory as in; others could have lived as an alternative version of me. I am the only version of me. If there are any "alternative versions" of me then "they" are also me.
  • If you don't have past lives or identify as otherkin, alterhuman, therian, etc. You are still welcome to interact with me, as long as you respect me and my existence. No one knows how the universe truly works so who are you to judge me, and who am I to judge you? We’re all just trying to make the best out of it.
  • My past life experiences take priority over making friendships. Meaning I won’t ever erase part of myself to cater to someone else. If you have a friend of a friend who pretends to be me and you believe them; I don’t want to become friends. Etc.
may 17 2024 ∞
may 26 2024 +