Emotional anguish regarding integration?

  • Lost of friends, family and romantic loved ones.
  • Lost of skills, functioning could become unstable, the 'parts' were much greater than the 'whole.'
  • Identity confusion after alters merge. partial or full.
  • Being unable to handle everything, like a singlet is supposed to.

other thoughts. // just in our opinion, we want to list everyone's thoughts in our sys clearly on it.

  • Sometimes sought out because they don't want to be around anymore, we view this to be suic*dal thinking.
  • Integration doesn't solve our issues, it just gets rid of us. Why did/do people think it solves our issues?? Our pluralness can be hard to balance but our issues offer doesn't come from that but other things.

Note: we are planning on doing partial, only it is for those willing to in March&'s group and Meracle's group.

nov 22 2019 ∞
dec 1 2021 +