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- Salty Receipt Holder: They often express the anger of the system so hostile & negative. Some may even hold onto most if not all of the rage of the whole system. (this is our alternative term for avenger, meant for all plurals.)

- Mod: May control switches, stop switches, have powers to influcence the landscape of the innerworld, create barriers. This is our alt term to gatekeeper.

- File Keeper: They hold certain memories & may show emotions based more around that. (Ex. Happy, Trauma, Sad)

- Database/Scholar: Handles work and studying.

- Negotiator/Peacekeeper: They help calm down other members & can help smooth over things outside the collective

- Guardian: They protect others, the body, the system, items whatever that’s needed.

- Veil/Mask/Shell: Hollow headmate, can be used to indirectly front through via passive influence. Sometimes we call them hollows. alt. hollow.

jun 5 2017 ∞
sep 22 2019 +