• Nonverbal/Semiverbal: have trouble thinking in words, at other points executive dysfunction (in this case_ how to go from thinking a sentence to actually saying it out loud) gets in our way. Some autistic people are nonverbal all the time and never speak verbally, other autistic people may go nonverbal when they’re stressed, upset or tired but are otherwise able to speak_

Expanding terms

  • Nonscribal: The complete inability to produce written or typed language.
  • Semiscribal: The ability to produce written or typed language, but with difficulty or conditions on what can be produced.
  • Nonlexic - The total loss of ability to comprehend, process, and produce language.
  • Semilexic - The partial loss of ability to comprehend, process, and produce language.
sep 30 2019 ∞
oct 25 2021 +